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Ripley back in business, rewrites confirmed

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Re: Ripley back in business, rewrites confirmed

Postby mysticwryter » Wed Feb 16, 2011 10:54 pm

I got the feeling too, Fluffy but maybe with everything with ILYPM it just got in the way and needed to be delayed before production began.

I'm being optomistic...well, trying to be.
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Re: Ripley back in business, rewrites confirmed

Postby fluffy » Thu Feb 17, 2011 1:24 am

hmmm.......maybe it's a sign of the times but family films (not animations) don't seem to be raking it in as much as they used to.......with the a few exceptions (harry Potter etc) there's been some HUGE financial flops in that genre.......
If they can make Ripleys on a shoestring then it might have a chance.....what Jim doesn't want is to be associated with a flop.....think Johnny Depp in Willy Wonka, a HUGE turkey..
It might be in with a chance If they attack it from a different angle and veto the kids film and make it more watchable for adults......for example tackle the human aspects of the poor souls Ripley saw as 'Freaks'.........
I honestly think the Hollywood Razamatazz machine will produce a huge financial flop......
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Re: Ripley back in business, rewrites my2cents worth

Postby Canadian Jayne » Thu Feb 17, 2011 5:15 pm

There must have been some really comedic incidents when Ripley
went to interview these people, place and things
Are they not recorded somewhere?
Did Ripley keep a journal of some kind?
He himself must have been shocked to see some of this stuff
How did it affect him and his life?
Sometimes real life situations end up being the most
The variables are so vast
4 example
As I left to go to work yesterday I noticed the icy stairs and walkway
I went back and advised a senior friend to be careful
Then walked down the stairs carefully, I thought,
But slipped almost sliding down the driveway
At the moment I wished I had my skates on
I was offered a ride
But I declined, I thought
I could manage
2 more slips, slides and falls was enough
I wished I had taken a ride at that point
Would a, could a, should a the story of regret hits us all
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Re: Ripley back in business, rewrites confirmed

Postby mysticwryter » Thu Feb 17, 2011 10:30 pm

I guess we will just have to see.

Maybe they are taking into considerationa bout the flops and the financial drop of family related movies. I know that a lot goes into making a movie that doesn't revolve around a good script or actors.
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Re: Ripley back in business, rewrites confirmed

Postby g6471 » Sat Feb 19, 2011 1:18 am

It might be in with a chance If they attack it from a different angle and veto the kids film and make it more watchable for adults

That was Burton's vision for the film.
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Re: Ripley back in business, rewrites confirmed

Postby fluffy » Sat Feb 19, 2011 7:30 am

lol...........and i'm not overly fond of Burtons teenage goth style either.His Charlie and the Chocolate factory was a crime against movies.......lol..........i guess we'll just have to wait and see what happens.... :D ..... :D
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Re: I saw a pic that reminded me of Jim4thismovie

Postby Canadian Jayne » Mon Mar 07, 2011 5:40 am

Google: Robert Holmes 1861-1930

I was doing some family history and I came across this

I laughed and thought of Jim
Just the way his stance is remined me of the Grinch

and since Ripley did draw and so did Robert Holmes
although Robert did flowers

Ripley did cartoons
tell me what you think
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Re: Ripley back in business, rewrites confirmed

Postby fluffy » Mon Mar 07, 2011 7:32 pm

lol.....i see what you mean about the stance.......if he sticks his belly out a bit more it would be Grinch-esque........lol
lol....re Ripley and Holmes being artists........Jim's an artist too!!!......the similiarities keep on growing.........lol
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Re: Ripley back in business, rewrites confirmed

Postby kaylizjimcfan » Fri Feb 07, 2014 1:48 pm

I hope this happens. Robert Ripley was an amazing person. If Jim does do this movie that would be even better. My favorite researcher played by my favorite actor! Oh please do the movie Jim‼️
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Re: Ripley back in business, rewrites confirmed

Postby fluffy » Tue Feb 11, 2014 5:56 pm

lol.......i hope you're patient then.....it might be a very very long wait.....lol :lol:
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Re: Ripley back in business, rewrites confirmed

Postby tlmarvin » Sun Feb 08, 2015 1:44 pm


I really hope Dr. Carrey will do "Riply's Believe it or Not".
If Jim does do the movie. I hope it'll be a drama. Please Dr. Carrey, do the movie.


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Re: Ripley back in business, rewrites confirmed

Postby Canadian Jayne » Sat Nov 12, 2016 11:39 pm

With his cartooning talents
it just may get him in the mode
Of courseRipley
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