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Trolley Car in The Majestic?

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Trolley Car in The Majestic?

Postby hmarnell » Tue Jan 08, 2002 4:19 am

Here's a rather esoteric question...I'm a long-time train & trolley fan, and a Majestic fan since they filmed parts in front of my home in Ferndale. For anyone here privy to some of the special effects part of The Majestic:<br><br>The opening shot of Grauman's Chinese Theater in 1950 Hollywood. While I expected the usual lack of streetcars when filmmakers do not take care, "Pacific Electric" streetcar # 637 rolled by with a clang-clang.<br><br>What I first thought could have been the Roger Rabbit car was not. The Roger Rabbit car is still on the Disney back lot in Florida (as of last year), is missing its fold down steps on the end doors and is not proportionately accurate in many details. The "Majestic" 637 was definitely not the Roger Rabbit car.<br><br>Does anyone know how Warner Bros. did it? Was it a model <br>photographically planted onto real Hollywood Blvd., a computer creation, or is there another life size mockup gathering dust in Hollywood somewhere? The real PE 637 has not moved in years.<br><br>I'd appreciate a direct reply in addition to posting here... to marnells@snowcrest.net<br><br>aka "Ferndale Fritz"<br> <p></p><i></i>

Re: Trolley Car in The Majestic?

Postby JCOAdmin » Thu Jan 10, 2002 2:34 am

I believe the trolley is CGI. It came to life by the hand of visual effects wizard Charlie Gibson. The shot of Grauman's façade with those period cars passing on the street was one of the few scenes in the Majestic that required resorting to digital imagery.<br><br>Mon <p><span style="width: 372; height: 20; font-size: 9pt; font-family: Arial Black; color: green; Filter: Blur(Add = 1, Direction = 225, Strength = 8)">  "The 'darker' side of comedy is a redundant statement."</span><font size="1">-Jim Carrey</font></p><i></i>
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