#1 Ace Ventura
#2 truman
#3 bruce nolan
#4 loyd christmas
#5 stanley ipkiss
#6 fletcher reede
#7 the grinch
#8 count olaf

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Which Jim Carrey character are you?-quizmy results:
#1 Ace Ventura #2 truman #3 bruce nolan #4 loyd christmas #5 stanley ipkiss #6 fletcher reede #7 the grinch #8 count olaf ![]() ![]() "Somewhere there's someone who dreams of your smile,
and finds in your presence that life is worth while. So when you are lonely, remember it's true Somebody somewhere is thinking of you."
That was fun
![]() #1 Fletcher Reede (Liar Liar) #2 Ace Ventura #3 Loyd Christmas (Dumb and Dumber) #4 Truman (The Truman Show) #5 Stanley Ipkiss (The Mask) #6 Bruce Nolan (Bruce Almighty) #7 The Grinch #8 Count Olaf I am part of an elite group of people......THE MEN OF JCO.
(Standing member since July 18th, 2005) THE FEW AND THE PROUD!!!!
#1 Ace Ventura
#2 Bruce Nolan (Bruce Almighty) #3 Stanley Ipkiss (The Mask) #4 Count Olaf #5 Truman (The Truman Show) #6 Loyd Christmas (Dumb and Dumber) #7 The Grinch #8 Fletcher Reede (Liar Liar) Think that was a good list:)
you shouldnt have done that.....you should stop posting. no one will believe you about anything now.....god....
What i got
fletcher reid - not sure about that one, thats odd. Truman bruce Ace Ventura stanely ipkiss the crinch Count olaf llyod christmas. What i think Bruce nolan Truman Stanely ipkiss Ace Ventura llyod christmas The grinch fletcher reid count olaf ![]()
RE: Which Jim i'm most like.I'm most like Olaf because drama has always been my favourite subject. and i'm also a bit grinchy- like this time when i was 12 and i played a naughty trick on my dad at xmas by putting dynamite down the chimmey. Lol! and my dad was like "YOU'RE IN SO MUCH TROUBLE!" and i was like "So?".
yours sincerly, Countess Olafina equalor
I'm wondering what I have in common with Truman...
I guess I'm finding out that I am living on another planet and everyone around me is secretly plotting my death. To be honest with you... I think I have more in common with Fletcher Reede... ![]() Now... that is how terrible I am at telling jokes ![]() Oh well. #1 Truman (The Truman Show) #2 Ace Ventura #3 Bruce Nolan (Bruce Almighty) #4 Fletcher Reede (Liar Liar) #5 Loyd Christmas (Dumb and Dumber) #6 Count Olaf #7 Stanley Ipkiss (The Mask) #8 The Grinch What makes you weak is what makes me stronger.
#1 Stanley Ipkiss (The Mask)
Stanley huh, i didn't think he is going to be 1st , although i like him and somtimes i feel like him , having bad luck all the time. but i thought that truman would be 1st instead . #2 Truman (The Truman Show) man i love this character!, the thing that i have in common with him, is that when i was younger (b4 even watching this movie) i always felt that i'm being watched, i've even thought that my parents rn't really my parents , and i thought that one day it would be revealed to me that everything around me isn't real. it was weird for me to watch the movie, i was surprised to see a movie about it. #3 Ace Ventura i cearnitly luv animals. all kinds, from dogs to crocodials . and i just luv the way Ace walks and his hair WOW. #4 Bruce Nolan (Bruce Almighty) i think bruce's character is kind similar to Stanley's. #5 Fletcher Reede (Liar Liar) teenagers lie , wt a surprise. ![]() #6 Loyd Christmas (Dumb and Dumber) well i do feel sometimes that i'm dumb , espically when it's like ur at the wrong place a the wrong time . #7 The Grinch ok my little secret is out . #8 Count Olaf well, killing parents, then killing thier children and after all that stealing their inherited money is not my type of evil, but wt r going to do. as been said b4 , everybody has some evil in them. Charades , pop skill , Water hyacinth , named by a poet. Imitation of life.
#1 Ace Ventura
#2 Count Olaf #3 Truman (The Truman Show) #4 Bruce Nolan (Bruce Almighty) #5 The Grinch #6 Fletcher Reede (Liar Liar) #7 Loyd Christmas (Dumb and Dumber) #8 Stanley Ipkiss (The Mask) I am NOTHING like Count Olaf! Why the hell he's 2nd I'll never know! Muse - 10, 11, 14, 22 & 23 November 2006
Muse - Wembley Stadium - 16 & 17 June 2007 Muse - Royal Albert Hall - 12 April 2008 Muse - 10 November 2009 & 13 November 2009 Muse - 11 September 2010
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