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New Jim Carrey projects

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New Jim Carrey projects

Postby tlmarvin » Mon Mar 09, 2015 12:05 pm

Morning JCO,

I just saw the new projects that Dr. Jim Carrey are doing.
I'm really looking forward into seeing the two new books that are in development.
When the books are complete, I hope that Dr. Carrey will come to
Dallas, Texas for his book signings.


Terry Marvin (Dallas, Texas)
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Re: New Jim Carrey projects

Postby Giulia » Mon Mar 09, 2015 6:03 pm

I hope he will do also other films
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Re: New Jim Carrey projects

Postby Canadian Jayne » Wed Mar 11, 2015 1:05 am

I just finished watching
ET the movie by Steven Spielberg
I wo?er why a sequel or take off
Movie was never made
In the movie Et seemed to have been
like a childlike alien who was
totally mesmerized by
his environment

If ET came back 30+ years later
What would he think of
what we have done so far with
our environment
Would the young boy Elliot have
adapted his life according to the

Would ET's the languages of this planet
be known to him by now?

This could be a very timely
Movie addition, this could b a very
Creatve movie and Jim in the cast would
Make it more so with a touch of comedy

I wonder, would it b possible

knowledge he would have received
from ET. ET would look different as
an adult Et wouldnt he?
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Re: New Jim Carrey projects

Postby Canadian Jayne » Wed Mar 11, 2015 1:14 am

Jim works with clay
I wonder if he's ever thought
of what an adult ET
would look like
Babies have larger heads
But evenout as they grow older
Would ET change and become
more human like?
In the movie ET started to
follow YODA
Would Et years b different
From ou years? I wonder
Anyone have any ideas
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Re: New Jim Carrey projects

Postby tlmarvin » Tue Mar 17, 2015 11:56 am

I hope he does some more movies also. I would like to see Jim and Jeff do a serious dramatic movie together. That would be great. I also would like to see Dr. Carrey guest star on a dramatic TV series.


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