Our thoughts and prayers are with all those affected by this truely horrific tragedy.
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Paris Terrorist attacks
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Paris Terrorist attacksMore than 1500 extra soldiers are on the streets of Paris tonight in direct response to a series of terrorist attacks, which have killed approx 120 innocent civilians and left hundreds seriously injured. France is in a state of lockdown as Europe prepares to close all borders and declare a state of emergency.
Our thoughts and prayers are with all those affected by this truely horrific tragedy. SOLIDARITE! ![]() VIVE LA FRANCE! Fluffy
Re: Paris Terrorist attacksThis kind of thing make me losefaith in mankind.
Something must be done. Too many inocent people have paid with their lives because of the lack of respect and love of others. It's insane that in this day and age this still happens. My thoughts are with Paris. I'm a guardian of the spark...
I'm a God damn and proud good fan... and I love it! = )>
Re: Paris Terrorist attacksAbsolutely
This is such a horrific thing to happen. Prayers, peace and love to all those affected by this
Re: Paris Terrorist attacksAs someone who lives in Belgium, I would like to say we are all stunned by the way the worldpress is bringing the so-called "news". The French press called Brussels "a nest of terrorists" and I see things like "Belgium, the European center of Jihadis".
With Brussels, they are actually talking about 'Molenbeek'. I know the area. I have family and friends living around the area. And I must say ... I can't take journalism serious anymore. Nothing about everything that happened is funny. But it made me laugh out loud when I saw those big papers with titles like that. I just couldn't believe it ... They are not kidding? So for the outside world this town looks like a place of terror where everyone stays inside and has to watch out of hijadis? What the ... !? The truth : Just a few of the people who were part of the attack, happened to live in Molenbeek. There's nothing unsafe in Molenbeek, it's just a town like any other. A "poor" town, where criminality is a bit higher thank elsewhere, but not terror-related stuff. I could easily go there right now, I could go out with no worries at all, doing the things I do. As far as we know there's not one single sign there were more people involved living there or ... in fact, Belgium. These people could have lived anywhere. Antwerp, Ghent, maybe my town ... Those involved in the attacks just wanted to have a place just outside France and multiple roads to and from it. Et voila, Molenbeek is the obvious choice. All those things the papers are writing are ... pure sensation. It makes me think a lot about how I saw the news covered on Fox about Afganistan . My God ... It was so over the top, creating fear and hate with facts that weren't facts at all. It takes a not involved area to see reality with the right mind ... And now the country I happen to live in, is in the middle of something that's ... "created" ... by the press. All the terrorists wanted, was for France to attack them and create tension between all the European countries next to it. And what's happening right now? Exactly that. The plan worked. They also wanted to challenge Russia and bring their anger on the table. It's not a secret, it's what many of the video's said. What happens? Exactly that. They want to creat war and chaos. And the media is making it worse and worse. All for sensation. It's so sad to see this. It's like nobody is able to think anymore. To me it feels like something happend and now Michael Bay is making a big budget Hollywood production out of it, called "News." It would be the same as when tomorrow something like this happens in Spain and the surviving terrorists went to Portugal ... And the whole world sees Portugal as a breeding place for terrorists. It's ridiculous ... Is everyone losing their mind? Well ... Let's see where this goes. I have to say I don't feel unsafe at all. And it's not about defending "my" country, since I don't believe in that. I might be Belgian on paper, but I just see myself as someone from earth.
Re: Paris Terrorist attacksAnd the ridiculousness doesn't end. Can someone please lock up Donald Trump in the place where he belongs ... Shady Acres.
![]() For weeks I've been watching this fascinating phenomenon that's screaming stupid stuff from under that wig. He's a big joke to everyone living here, has been from the start. The things he says, the way he thinks ... This candidate is a total fool, beating both Loyld and Harry in their game. But he's also mean-spirited and for some crazy reason liked by many. That makes him dangerous. If you want your own Poetin, vote for him. That's actually an insult for Poetin, cause I might think he's despicable and I don't support any of his actions, but Poetin is clever (in a bad way). Can't say that about Trump. When he called Brussels "It's like living in a hell hole right now!" earlier this week ... I actually chocked while drinking. "What?" We were all stunned. "What!? Can you believe what just happened there!? He called ... What!?" All my German friends were stunned, my friends from The Netherlands send me "What the hell is that guy talking about!? He's out of his mind. What's next, Amsterdam?" Is that what most people in the US believe? Cause, I can't imagine. For real. We have a sort of daily show like the one with Stewart (well, Trevor now), they couldn't resist to do a full show in Brussels. They filmed and interviewed journalists from all over the world walking around in Brussels. All of them were asking regular people what the hell Trump was talking about? There was nothing to see, nothing happening. Just daily life like has been for ages ... Brussels is full of tourists, the tourists couldn't believe what they saw when they showed them the Trump video. An American tourist even said, "If that guy becomes the new president, I'll move to brussels!", so great. ![]() And then there were some English journalists doing a live-interview : "The tension is high, shops are closing at 6 in the evening because of the danger!" Lol - He was in a famous and good looking shop-street, where all the shops close at 6, always, never has been different, it's the official closing time for ages. ![]() Later, the dude from our show went talking with them ... the journalist said : "What else can we do? They want it confirmed, so ... we confirm, it's what the audience wants. We know there's absolutely nothing going on, but that's not selling papers, you know. And the French need someone to blame for what happened. Even though it makes no sense." Wow. I couldn't believe what I just heard. This is getting out of control. Journalism is just ... crap. And Donald Trump, good ol' Donald Trump ... I've had enough of retarted people like him. Somehow I still think Sacha Baron Cohen will jump out of his Trump-custom, revealing he fooled us all. ![]()
Re: Paris Terrorist attacksTrump is ridiculed around the world, we even debated in parliament whether or not to ban him from great Britain(imagine that, a US president banned
![]() The USA deserves a strong, trustworthy and genuine leader....Trump IS NOT good enough for your country.....you deserve so much better as the 'leaders of the free world.' PS Steve is right.......the shops close at 6pm here too..........it's tea time!!!!!......and the streets on London are no worse that the streets of other capital cities. Life goes on.... ![]() Fluffy
Re: Paris Terrorist attacksLol. During the pre-premiere of 'Zootopia' in Brussels, Byron Howard (co-director) said : “Brussels is no hellhole at all“, he smiled : “Let's just all together ignore Donald Trump. That guy is a total jerk.”
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