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Political unrest cartoons - Talented Jim

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Re: Political unrest cartoons - Talented Jim

Postby Canadian Jayne » Fri Dec 21, 2018 3:03 am

Why in the world does Trump
Want to build this wall that
Is so backward thinking
Thats the East German Wall idea
Thank goodness it eventually came down
Why soend Billions of $ On a wall
That could end up being pullef
Down s few years later
Havent leople learned from
Past exoerience or
Does the us just have money to burn?
It just doesnt maje sense.
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Canadian Jayne
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Re: Political unrest cartoons - Talented Jim

Postby Canadian Jayne » Mon Dec 31, 2018 5:11 am

I cant understand on hoe the current
President doesnt take responsibility
Regarding the two children
Blaming everyone else but himself
In my PR class they said
U make a mistake
Admit it
Take responsibility
Dont hid the dust under the rug
Crazy crazy crazy
This is about little children
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Canadian Jayne
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