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The Darkest Hour. (the Film)

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The Darkest Hour. (the Film)

Postby fluffy » Mon Jan 15, 2018 1:25 pm

OMG this is an amazing film and i urge everyone to go and see it. Gary Oldman is mindblowing as Winston Churchill, you really believe it's the great man himself. Honestly i cannot praise this enough and even the Churchill family are saying it's the best portrayal of their great grandpa they've ever seen. It's very funny, poignant, sad and tragic all at the same time.
(Funnily enough he also looks just like my dad......lol.....dad even walks like Churchill. :lol: )

this made me smile

Churchill is possibly the most revered and beloved of all Brits and was voted as such by the British people. We owe him everything.

Oldman on Churchill-
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