Jim Carrey HAS HAD a change of heart and decided not to star in the Joel Schumacher-directed Fox 2000 drama "Phone Booth." Negotiations were just beginning on the film.
Carrey, whose latest film, the Peter and Bobby Farrelly-directed "Me, Myself & Irene" premieres tonight, had been enlisted to topline the film by Schumacher, who'd directed Carrey in "Batman Forever." Carrey wanted to work with Schumacher again and loved the daring Larry Cohen script, which takes place entirely in a phone booth, as a slick, conniving publicist tries to figure a way out of an impossible dilemma after picking up a ringing payphone and discovering the caller is a sniper who'll kill him when he hangs up.
Days after deciding to do the film, Carrey mulled it over and was unable to wrap his arms around the character. He backed out Wednesday in what's described as an amicable parting. The script, with a dramatic premise and single-location structure that has piqued the interest of some of the town's biggest players, is still expected to shoot this summer.
Thank god he didn't do this movie! I can't imagine him playing this role...
Here's an excerpt of an article from Dec 2004 on Hollywood Gift Giving
In the past, gift-giving has been an art of excess in Hollywood. At Christmas three years ago, Jim Carrey handed out brand new Porsches to his assistants, agents and managers. (Carrey, coming off the huge success of "Dr. Seuss' How the Grinch Stole Christmas," had good reason to be in the giving spirit.)

in the words of Napoleon Dynamite, "LUCKY!"