Wallpapers - i'll be updating
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OoHhhhh I love the styles I should take some lessons of you, my wallpapers can sometimes be good, but I need to change my ways - more towards blending hahaha. Do ya do customs in 1024 x 768??? If so.... uSE THIS ONE XD , I could see it look really good. Imagine, having Jim smiling at you with the puppy dog eyes on your desktop
Hey wow thats great!! You did it in such a short amount of time!! Thanks so much thats cool! I gotta get lessons from you lol. *goes out to find more photoshop brushes* Those brushes are great! Thanks again!
Some advice:
Use textures (especially grunge ones) Do not use filters Create duplicate layers Use the eraser tool a lot Play with the colors Play with fonts
Thanks for the tips! Lol I am actually a web designer and have worked on layouts and stuff for a long time. It's amazing cause when I make a layout, it would look fantastic in the picture, but when it comes to doing all the tables and stuff like that it is really annoying cause it distorts the whole picture.
I recently made a great lookin picture with all the blends, but perhaps thats a one off lol. I would post a picture but its not related to Jim, and its cut into slices. If you ever wanted to look though, its the main layout on my site (see banner below) haha. I dont wanna get in trouble so I didnt post any links or anything Lol thanks for the tips again! I just dunno how textures though can work.... like... hmmm.... you would have to use the eraser tool ALOT lol. Anyways ill keep it all in mind Edited Sorry I forgot. I'm thinking of doing a new layout for my site actually, and this time I wanna make it a Jim theme. Anyway I was wondering if I was able to use one of your images as part of the layout? I will put you in the credits! . I dunno how I would use it yet, but if I was allowed to either part of the image (such as perhaps "the background" of the main image) or I would use it as the main one. I was just wondering lol, its so great and it would look fantastic. But who knows, it may not work out in the end so it might be one spec of the picture in there hahahaha.
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