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press conference transcript

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press conference transcript

Postby fluffy » Sat Oct 06, 2007 8:41 pm

Jim Carrey speaks for Burma at the United Nations

"Good afternoon. Thank you for being here. I’d like to speak to you today about the terrible situation that has developed in Burma. Now if you’re wondering why I call it Burma, instead of Myanmar, it’s because Myanmar was a name given to the country of Burma by a brutal and sadistic regime, that has for decades tried to squash the will of its people through mass relocation, torture, rape and murder, among other inexpressible human rights abuses. So forgive me, but Burma just feels better.

In the last few weeks the world has finally begun to witness the cruelty of general Than Shwe’s military junta. We have seen him turn his firepower on his own people, and his snipers targeting civilians, not with rubber bullets meant to subdue, but with real ammunition and lethal intent. Not even the monks have been exempt from their callous disregard. Those gentle souls, who wouldn’t kill a mosquito if it bit them, have been shot, beaten, imprisoned, driven from their monasteries, and forced to escape into the jungle, or across the border, into Thailand.

I would like to thank First Lady Laura Bush and the President for recognizing and beginning to take action on this issue. I’m glad that there’s something we can agree on, and I hope that Mr. Bush will try to handle this problem with intelligence and sincerity. I do not believe that our military intervention should ever be an option here. I believe the answer is to bring China, India and Russia into alignment with the rest of the world on this issue. Without their influence, the brutality and oppression will go on in Burma indefinitely. And so I would like to appeal to leaders and the good people of those nations to search inside themselves and find compassion for those who are suffering so greatly.

China, in the last decade you have opened your country to new world markets and the possibility of a more amiable relationship with the west. for you, who have been a mystery to us in the west for so long, This is an opportunity to show the world that human rights are one of your priorities, and as the summer games in 08’ approach, that you truly do have an Olympic spirit.

Russia, I have been to Moscow and St. Petersburg. And I have met many beautiful people there. People of strength and character. I have seen first hand that cold weather does not mean coldhearted. And what better chance than this to show it.

And India, your statement encouraging the release Aun San Suu Kyi and the democratic process was welcome, but was not enough. You yourselves were set free by the nonviolent protest of Mahatma Ghandi. I hope you have not drifted so far from his influence that the suffering of women and children are less important to you than the natural gas reserves that lay beneath their feet. What would Ghandi Gi say of your new progress, if it has led you to turn a blind eye to human anguish?

It seems to me that an awful lot of problems these days stem from the fact that nations act more like corporations than companions. We must start putting human lives above the bottom line, and yes, sometimes take the loss. We cannot afford to lock our doors and windows and ignore the desperate pleas of our neighbors because the bully who abuses them has something we want. There is no resource more profitable than compassion. We have the power to bring the bully to reason, without violence, and if we don’t use that power to condemn his outrageous behavior, we are in fact sanctioning it. Sanctioning mass relocation, sanctioning forced labor, sanctioning rape, sanctioning murder, sanctioning the recruiting of child soldiers, and encouraing the heroine trade.

Specifically we are asking for a global arms embargo through the United Nations Security Counsel for all 15 member of the Counsel: China, Russia, and India included to pass a binding resolution banding military shipments to Burma. This is a government that uses its weapons, not in self-defense, but against its own citizens and the time has come for the United Nations Security Counsel to start acting less like a group of corporationsand more like United Nations. Show the more than 200,000 people who are living in refugee camps at the borders of Thailand, Bangladesh, Malaysia and India that we believe their lives have value and that they haven't been forgotten.

In closing, I would like to appeal to general Than Shwe and the soldiers themselves. Please, come to your senses. Stop hurting your people. Treat the monks with the reverence they deserve. Begin peaceful negotiations, and return your nation's true leader, Aung San Suu Kyi to her home and her family. There is nothing to defend if you have lost the faith of your people. It is already over. But if you continue on this path, yours will be a legacy of great shame, and history will remember you as yet another example of man’s soul being overwhelmed by ego.

I truly believe that all of us are good, that all of us are one. It is only ego that takes our attention away from the heaven that is right in our midst, by convincing us that we are separate. And all of us, even those who are committing these crimes, deserve better."

http://humanrightsactioncenter.org/blog ... nited.html
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Postby Filomena » Sat Oct 06, 2007 9:11 pm

What a great speech. Some points that I want to respond to.....

"There is no resource more profitable than compassion. We have the power to bring the bully to reason, without violence, and if we don’t use that power to condemn his outrageous behavior, we are in fact sanctioning it."

I agree with you one hundred percent. The Bully should never get away with using his desires to be cruel and vindictive. It's just because they want to rule the world as a supreme being. It has to be their way, or the high way, like they're God or something. I've encountered more than one Bully in my day, and they come in all shapes and sizes. The sad thing is that they feel their Bully-type behaviour is justified, but it never is. If only Bullies understood this. Don't inflict pain to make things happen, use love.

Please, come to your senses. Stop hurting your people. Treat the monks with the reverence they deserve.

Again, hurting people to make things happen your way is never the way to do things. It will always bounce back in your face. The monks, and everyone else, need to be treated with respect and dignity.

There is nothing to defend if you have lost the faith of your people. It is already over.

Faith in yourself, and faith in love, are what it takes to make a change. I don't agree with the statement "It is already over" It's never over unless you give up hope. If you want to change, then you can change.

It is only ego that takes our attention away from the heaven that is right in our midst, by convincing us that we are separate. And all of us, even those who are committing these crimes, deserve better."

How true. Ego is a terrible thing. We are all guilty of it, if you think about it. Even celebrities. But when ego stands in the way of logic and compassion, then Huston, we have a problem. It's almost like they feel their status in life makes them the exception to the rule. It's really to compensate for their smallness. They want to be powerful, because deep down inside, they are very small people.

All in all, wow! I am impressed! Jim should do more speeches. He is truly prolific.
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Postby sprousefan23 » Sun Oct 07, 2007 5:38 am

Ok, I don't even know what to say to that.....so I won't, kind of.
That was a good speech, if I would have been there it would have had the same effect on me as the guy's speech at orientaion. I couldn't stop talking about it. Jim (if the rumors that you're reading this forum are true) good job. Keep it up! Stay in school (ok mom! :lol: )
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Postby fluffy » Sun Oct 07, 2007 9:09 am

:lol: atta boy Jim, some subtle digs at that idiot Bush there i see :wink: ..a great speech though, it talks to the people, not over them, politicians take note!

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Postby jimliker » Sun Oct 07, 2007 4:36 pm

And India, your statement encouraging the release Aun San Suu Kyi and the democratic process was welcome, but was not enough. You yourselves were set free by the nonviolent protest of Mahatma Ghandi. I hope you have not drifted so far from his influence that the suffering of women and children are less important to you than the natural gas reserves that lay beneath their feet. What would Ghandi Gi say of your new progress, if it has led you to turn a blind eye to human anguish?

first of all its "GANDHI" & "JI" :lol:
Secondly, India has come forward to help its neighbouring countries always during crisis at the "right time".
For eg, when there was a war between Pakistan & Bangaladesh , India came forward to free Bangaldesh from this tension for which they had to indulge in war with Pakistan also.
Another time was & rather is of independence of Tibet. India also did a lot to favour that & even granted asylum to Dalai Lama. Even for this they had to indulge in a war with China earlier.
India has also sent its peace troupes to Israel & other countries in need during the recent tensions.
Regarding Burma, India is again doing its best to help the release of Aung San Sui Kyi. India will have to carefully take its step towards that coz they dont want to indulge in any war with Burma.
So dont worry, India will come forward for help & i am sure our Prime Minister is doing his best to find out the way for peaceful negotiations according to "Gandhiji's" way. We still follow Gandhiji's path as we used to before & we even call it "Gandhigiri". :)

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Postby CarreyGirl » Sun Oct 07, 2007 5:38 pm

But the video of the conference??? :?
Compliments Jim!!!I quote all!!!
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Postby Alyonushka » Wed Oct 10, 2007 10:40 am

I guess a lot of people will ignore my message.

I just think that situation is really controversial.

From one point, the situation in Burma is really terrible, people suffer a lot, there's violence and injustice, the whole situation became really murderous and needs to be solved in some way.


From another point, does it give the right for military intervention? Won't this bring a war to the country? and more disaster? Bush also had a good excuse to start a war in Iraq... Everybody knows what this all led to.

I only think we should differ the two notions: humanitarian help and military intervention. Priya understands that, as i see. Why to appeal for Russian-Chinese-Indian intervention? Russia will never get itself involved to it. We have some shit in Tchetchnya and NATO wanted to come to "help" in 90's as well, I only think, because they wanted to control the petrol there...

I think Jim should have started his speech with the appeal to the general Than Shwe first. And then - to China, India and Russia.

Actually, there's still the diplomatic way to resolve political problems. Hope this won't leed to the worse.

P.s. I apologize for my poor English when trying to discuss such serious things...
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Postby fluffy » Wed Oct 10, 2007 12:49 pm

i don't think military intervention is an option......enough lives have been lost.........it's up to the politicians, diplomats and negotiators........

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Postby Alyonushka » Wed Oct 10, 2007 2:32 pm

I hope the presidents of the above-mentionned countries will pay their attention to the problem and will find some diplomatic ways to resolve the problem without loosing anybody's life.
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