Jim on stage accepting his Canada Walk of Fame award 2004
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Jim on stage accepting his Canada Walk of Fame award 2004Jim and Jane in the audience More pics coming soon....... www.youtube.com/user/jimcarreyonline
Jim trying to breath on Tom Greens lonely left testicle
and Tom enjoying it Jims best friend Wayne Flemming presenting Jim the award Jim is the only one who got a standing ovation that night Jim prefered the podium instead Jim giving his 20 minute speech Last edited by cotton on Sat Feb 16, 2008 3:27 am, edited 2 times in total.
Jim telling the audience how he dreamt he played naked hockey with Mario Lemieux(also being honered that night)
Jims family Janey His brother John and his wife Kim Sister Rita and her husband Al His sister Pat was there but I can't seem to spot her Janeys reaction when her daddy says some nice words about her Janeys reaction when her daddy tells a joke about her that stinks lol www.youtube.com/user/jimcarreyonline
aaawwIs there anywhere online where I can watch a video clip of his speech for this event? Or get a transcript of the speech?
I ve looked everywhere and found nothing. ~Lex~
"No day but today!" ~RENT~
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