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When is the MPAA going to rate Phillip Morris?
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When is the MPAA going to rate Phillip Morris?When is the MPAA going to rate Phillip Morris? I'm geussing it'll be rated R.
To God, every living being is beautiful... Except for you.
So there's no specific date? To God, every living being is beautiful... Except for you.
Are those Scottish ratings? In America all we have is G, PG, PG-13, R, and NC-17. To God, every living being is beautiful... Except for you.
yep...its probably going to be R...but I don't really care anywaysssss (about what it is rated.)
When once asked what I would do if I met Jim I said that I would give him so many hugs because he is so damn HOT and then I would tell him to get married. Response, "he is hot, but...nevermind."
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