Brad press is not necessarily
Bad Press
I doubt if anyone has seen Jim
on TV more than they have in the past
24 hours, Wow, that's one way to get out there
I don't understand why one of the newscasters
apologizes for him being Canadian
He's acting in something he decided to act in
The odd thing is the newscasts are longer than
the actual video he did on gun control
He did achieve getting people to talk about it
At least he's not sitting on his hands and not doing anything
If he made a mistake
The video may have been too long, cut it down to
two and half minutes
take out the most offensive stuff
That may redeem him but
really he is creative, would I show it to my grandkids
But his intention was to an adult audence,
You can say he knows how to get peoples attention
I wonder how many hits he'll get after all this attention