cotton wrote:I know why he did it I just don't think it should have been him to apologize. The people that were wishing him and Jane death and calling him swears should apologize. Then he could apologize back if he wanted.
I think he did cause he felt bad. But you are also right. They were a lot more people who should have done the same and for more serious reasons
im so sorry i didnt know that!!! i had gone on a thread and posted a few tings about 14 comments in defence of Jc's stand, he is creating heaven on earth with his betterU living up to that in so many ways, i think that him appologizing for name calling is devine, not just anyone could do that, becuase ego gets in the way pride.
Jc rocked it out by what he did!! i was blown away!!!
it will make many good people think, he is a posstivie role model, for generations to come, kids will look up to him after all, his new book is launched!!! he will be remembered for what he is leaving behind mostly the change

better U, in all ways he has and is becomming better and better, this i cannot deny! remember those wings, on his back...his humble efforts as he made them small,,think about it..
He no longer hides behind a mask,
he said himself, Free Truman on one of his recent tweets
He stood up fearlessly against Universal Giant by saying, in all good conciousness he can no longer support that level of voilence becuse he has had a change of heart...WOW I was blown away by this magnitide of peace and inner power that he has ...
Thats amazing....thats high man, huge...really huge.
If there is seats or possitions in heaven for the high and elite...I know that one of them is waiting for James Eugine Carrey!!!!