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Favourite Jim Scene?

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Favourite Jim Scene?

Postby Edward Nygma » Thu Oct 14, 2004 6:43 pm

Hey there!

So, what are your favourite Jim Carrey moments or scenes? The scenes that make you laugh like an idiot everytime and that show why Jim is The Best! Here's my top 10:

1/ Liar Liar: Bathroom Self Ass-Kicking
2/ Ace Ventura: "Do not go in there! woooo!"
3/ Me, Myself and Irene: Charlie becomes Hank in supermarket
4/ Dumb and Dumber: Why you going to the airport? Flying somewhere?
5/ Ace Ventura 2: "You must be the monopoly guy!"
6/ The Mask: Coco Bongo club dance
7/ Batman Forever : Batcave destruction
8/ Eternal Sunshine: Childhood
9/ Truman Show: Truman Tries to escape
10/ Man on the Moon: Elvis impersonnation
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Postby FavaBeans » Fri Oct 15, 2004 5:03 am

Hah! Good Thread!

Here are my fav scenes:

Ace Ventura: "Crying Game" scene; chewing all that gum!
Dumb and Dumber: 2 pairs of gloves Scene: "Here, have these extra gloves, my hands are sweating"
The Mask: "Club Scene" - where they try to kill the Mask "They love me, they really love me"
Batman Forver: Question Mark Jacket Scene "Was that over the top?"
Ace Ventura 2: Monopoly Guy Scene
The Cable Guy: "Dream Sequence" - ok, i'm going now... i'm gone... bye
Liar Liar: The pen is Blue Scene "the god damn pen is blue!!"
Truman Show: Truman finding out the truth
Man on the Moon: When he realizes the "miracle" is fake
Me, Myself and Irene: "Cottonmouth Scene"
The Grinch: "Your a Mean One song"
The Majestic: the end makes me sad
Bruce Almighty: "When he parts the tomato soup"
Eternal Sunshine: Childhood scenes.
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Postby Edward Nygma » Fri Oct 15, 2004 5:59 pm

My God! How could I forget The Cable Guy??? My favourite Jim film!!! What the hell's wrong with me?? Here's some other scenes I love:

Cable Guy: Somebody To Love/ Dream Sequence
Grinch: Mean One Song
Me, Myself...: Cottonmouth :lol:

Good list man, you reminded me of some really funny scenes! :wink:
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Postby jimliker » Fri Oct 15, 2004 7:25 pm

my fave Jim movie scenes r:

1)dumb & dumber : when Jim sulks or maybe about to cry when he sees harry with mary together where he was suppose to date her. ( the way he sticks our his toungue to cry was so funny as if he was going to vomit)

2) Bruce Almighty: when he asks for a spoon in the restaurant & it comes out from his mouth..."excuse me, can i have a spoo..."

3)Liar Liar: all court scenes.

4) me, myself & irene: all scenes when Jim becomes hank.

5) Ace Ventura 1 : when Jim goes to mental hospital to find out about ray finkle.

6) Ace Ventura 2 : the master of disguises scenes.

7) The Mask: the coco bongo club scenes.

8. man on the moon : wrestling scene.

9) The Cable Guy: basket ball scene.

10) The Grinch : when grinch was stealing all the christmas gifts.
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Postby -->Blunt<-- » Fri Oct 15, 2004 9:23 pm

My top 10:

1.)Dumb & Dumber : when Jim imagines how he shoots the friend of Mary

2.) Bruce Almighty: the "I've got the power" - scenes

3.) Me, Myself & Irene: when Jim puts the girl's head into the water and when he wants to kill the cow on the street

4.) Ace Ventura 1 : the fight between Jim and the disguised guy of the footballteam (last scene)

6.) Ace Ventura 2 : when he runs through the wood with the red things in the arm which were shot at him

7.) The Cable Guy: figthing scene between him and his "friend" when they are in the "Medi Evil Times" and the "Hannibal Lector" - thing there

8.) Liar Liar: When he says the bad things about his boss and the other people to them and they think he is joking

9.) The Truman Show: When he is singing "What shall we do with the drunken sailor, what shall we do with the drunken sailor, what shall we do with the drunken sailor early in the morning?" and when he says "In case that we don't see ya, good afternoon, good evening and good night."

10.) Man on the Moon: When he is playing drums and singing "Abu dabu, abu dabu hey! Abu dabu, abu dabu hey!"
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Postby thecablegal » Fri Oct 15, 2004 11:26 pm

Ace Ventura: At the Mental hospital, as he slams his face into the bench, when he dances posh the the rock concert, and the stupid dance he does at the posh party!

Dumb and Dumber: The dream scenes, and when he pees into the bottles!
The Mask: The prison scene with Milo!

Ace Ventura 2: Monopoly Guy Scene, the plane scene, and the SLINKY scene! "Everyone needs a slinky, you gotta buy a slinky, slinky, slinky, GO SLINKY GO!" Oh, and the "This is a lovely room of death!"

The Cable Guy: Medievil Times scene, and the breakfast scene.

Liar Liar: "The god damn pen is blue!!" and the "I'd have got him 10" And in the outakes when he sings "Pre-nuptual agreements"

Truman Show: The escape!

Me, Myself and Irene: "Cottonmouth Scene" it makes me laugh, even if I rewind it...

The Majestic: When he wakes up and there are people staring at him, for some reason, I laugh...

Bruce Almighty: News Scene
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Postby -->Blunt<-- » Sat Oct 16, 2004 2:13 pm

Oh, yes, the News Scene in Bruce Almighty was very good. Also in the outtakes when the woman next to the ancorman is laughing all the time. The thing with the bottle and the officer in Dumb and Dumber is really also something where I laugh often very much. Ah, yes, and the one where Lloyd says to Harry that he sold their dead bird to the blind kid and laughs so evil.
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Postby Edward Nygma » Sat Oct 16, 2004 2:20 pm

Not to forget, in Liar Liar: :fletcher:

"That's because oyu have big jugs....i mean...your boobs are huge...I mean...I wanna squeeze them!...Mama...POW!"
love it.
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Postby thecablegal » Sat Oct 16, 2004 5:26 pm

Blunt, no offence, but you keep naming the characters wrong...
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Postby -->Blunt<-- » Sat Oct 16, 2004 7:28 pm

You mean because I say Jim instead of his name in the movie?
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Postby thecablegal » Sat Oct 16, 2004 8:53 pm

No, you've said Henry and Hank instead of Harry from Dumb and Dumber... as I said before, no offense, I'm just pointing it out...
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Postby AceVenturafan7 » Sun Oct 17, 2004 7:43 am

Ace Ventura 1 :ace: :Beggining with the package
Ace Ventura 2 :ace: :Slinky part
Bruce almighty :charlie: :when he tries to organize prayers
the cable guy :chip: :I think it was an asian gang. / basketball
dumb and dumber :lloyd: :when they are watching the commercial and crying HULARIOUS!
Eternal Sunshine :fletcher: : Oh my god there are people coming out of your butt.
In Living color :fireman: :Fire marshall bill
Once Bitten: when all the cars are shaking except his
Liar Liar :fletcher: : Bathroom
Me, Myself & Irene :hank: : Dry mouth/cow
The mask :mask: :balloon scene - oops wrong pocket
Truman show :fletcher: : The end
The majestic :fletcher: :in the bar with monkey
Batman Forever: :riddler: :When he kills the guy out the window
"Lemme-show-ya-sumin'" - Jim, Fire Marshall Bill

"Can you spare some change?"
"Will you?"
"Why not?"
"BECAUSE I'M AFRAID YOU'LL BUY BEW'S WITH IT! plus i'm Cheap!" -Jim and homeless dude, Liar Liar.
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Postby samurai_cable » Sun Oct 17, 2004 1:16 pm

lol, just reading the scenes you guys have picked cracks me up :D :lol:

Here are mine :D

Liar Liar: When Fletcher tries to come up with a come back; when he speaks to Daina. That cracked me up so bad...

The Cable Guy: Medieval Times> star trek and silence of the lambs. "Somebody to love" and the ending when he uses the stapler

Ace Ventura-Pet Detective: When Ace disguises himself as Larry "Let's get that in instant replay." I laughed sooo hard :lol: .... my god... And yes, when ever he dances :D

Ace Ventura-When nature calls: The shadow-making scenes, "Hi ho Silver, AWAY~!" (That line appeared in Bruce Almighty, when he was driving his car... what exactly does it mean? It sounds funny though...)

Me, myself and Irene: When he turns into Hank 8)

The Mask: I just like looking at him in this one... dancing at the Coco Bongo and da tango~ "P-A-R-T-WHY? Cause I gotta!"

The Majestic: The scene where Peter (Luke) cures Adelle's (is that how you spell it?) hiccups, the location was soooo romantic... and also the part when he talks to the monkey :D

The Truman Show: When he uses the knife on Meryl (is it meryl? what's truman's wife's name? been a while since i saw the movie....... memory loss...........)

Bruce Almighty: When Bruce ruin's Evan's news report... soooo soo funny. And when he had the umbrella hat on, very angry, at the Niagra Falls (am i spelling it wrong?)

Dumb and Dumber: "Do you wanna hear the most annoying sound in the world?" yes please!!
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Postby -->Blunt<-- » Sun Oct 17, 2004 1:40 pm

thecablegal wrote:No, you've said Henry and Hank instead of Harry from Dumb and Dumber... as I said before, no offense, I'm just pointing it out...

Yes, thank you, I've corrected the Hank but did not find the Henry.

Ace Ventura-When nature calls: The shadow-making scenes, "Hi ho Silver, AWAY~!" (That line appeared in Bruce Almighty, when he was driving his car... what exactly does it mean? It sounds funny though...)

I wonder about this, too. In Stephen King's "It" is also somebody who says "Hi ho, Silver, hi ho" when he rides his silver bike.
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Postby carreyd away » Sun Oct 17, 2004 7:40 pm

It's from an old 50's TV Western, "The Lone Ranger" The Lone Ranger's horse's name was Silver , and whenever he ran to the rescue, he would jump up on his horse, the horse would rear up and he'd yell, "Hi Ho Silver! Away!" then gallop off


You can hear the soundbite here:
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