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Ace 3?

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Re: Ace 3?

Postby grinchy steve » Sun Jun 30, 2013 8:24 am

Start writing, please. :)
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Re: Ace 3?

Postby EvaAraujo » Sun Jun 30, 2013 9:00 pm

grinchy steve wrote:Start writing, please. :)

It's a good idea? :lol:
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Re: Ace 3?

Postby EvaAraujo » Sun Jun 30, 2013 11:29 pm

Ace x The Mask!

Here's the movie premise: "Oh no, Milo, Stanley Ipkiss faithful dog goes missing. As he tries and fails to find him he hires Ace, who by acident discovers Stanley's double life as the Mask.
So together, not only they have to find Milo but in process protect the city from a villian attack, all while either becoming best friends or going crazy with eachother."

the villian is still being though off.....

Bruce Almighty 2 : The Angel Effect

"Faith is THE Angel in Heaven. She's the right shoulder of God and takes care of everything that makes Heaven, be Heaven. Lately she's losing it. She's the only one that God actually allows to say anything that crosses hER mind, something he's regretting. Faith is at a crossroad - being The Angel in Heaven is not as easy as it looks and it something she's used to do for thousands of years. It doesn't help when she has also the job to clean up some of the messes that people do on Earth which causes her to be so stress out she's losing the feathers from her wings.
As a way to "save" her, God asks Bruce Nolan for help... He wants him to show her again how it was to be human and what love and faith can do. Bruce ain't happy since his life is stable but he eventually says yes. Since she's an angel she has some power and to be able to control what she does on Earth he gives Bruce his powers again. There's a problem though - Faith doesn't really like having Bruce as a baby sitter and Bruce is about to find out that Angels do drive you crazy too!"

I was inspired guys! :lol:
I know it's silly.
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Re: Ace 3?

Postby Twigggy » Mon Jul 01, 2013 12:45 am

"Ace 1 was in his hometown, case about the Miami Dolphins mascotte.
Ace 2 was in Africa, case about the stolen white bat.

Ace 3 ... Where should it take place or what should it be about?

I think it would be great if they start the movie in Miami, but find a way to make Ace travel a bit ... through Europe maybe? A bit more action (when not interupting the comedy) couldn't hurt either, I think"

I was thinking an Ace Ventura in Hawaii or Alaska might be pretty fun! But yeah, he should be in Miami for at least part of the movie. The entire movie could also take place in Miami again. That might be fun.
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Re: Ace 3?

Postby Mimindsi888 » Wed Jul 03, 2013 7:04 am

Twigggy wrote:Now that production for Dumb and Dumber To might be stalled, I was just wondering if anybody would be up for another Ace Ventura? I remember reading in an article last year that Carrey was open to another Ace Ventura movie - though I haven't heard any more about it.

Maybe with a decent script, and Tom Shadyac again at the helm, and not Steve Oedekerk, the movie would work.

I'd certainly pay to see it :ace:

Epically agreeable.
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Re: Ace 3?

Postby Mimindsi888 » Wed Jul 03, 2013 7:08 am

Twigggy wrote:"Ace 1 was in his hometown, case about the Miami Dolphins mascotte.
Ace 2 was in Africa, case about the stolen white bat.

Ace 3 ... Where should it take place or what should it be about?

I think it would be great if they start the movie in Miami, but find a way to make Ace travel a bit ... through Europe maybe? A bit more action (when not interupting the comedy) couldn't hurt either, I think"

I was thinking an Ace Ventura in Hawaii or Alaska might be pretty fun! But yeah, he should be in Miami for at least part of the movie. The entire movie could also take place in Miami again. That might be fun.

Jim Carrey In Canada. We have plenty of moose up here he can play with. Oh there is so much opportunity in this tiny little idea. It sounds like a beaut-y-ful one!
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Re: Ace 3?

Postby grinchy steve » Fri Sep 27, 2013 9:48 pm

So ... Jim said he's doing D&D2 because of the fact people kept asking for it. Since it's already happening, people should tweet him all the time about Ace Ventura 3! :ace: That would be even more awesome.
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Re: Ace 3?

Postby Canadian Jayne » Sat Sep 28, 2013 2:56 am

Not sure it's time for planning
Ace 3 yet
lets see what happens with D & D 2 first
Gut feeling says no at this time
can't give a reason why
just my opinion
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Re: Ace 3?

Postby grinchy steve » Sat Jun 07, 2014 10:25 am

Ace Ventura : FINAL CHAPTER, NOW ! :ace:

Instead I mean : I would like to see this happen. :) The hype about D&D2 is big on all movie related sites and forums. After doing something more serious and challenging first (take advantage of the hype, that' how that should happen), It would be great to see my favorite comedy character of all time back on the big screen ...
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Re: Ace 3?

Postby Canadian Jayne » Mon Jun 09, 2014 2:01 am

Can you imagine intertwining all the characters
that Jim has played to interconnect together
somehow, that would be funny, amazing and awesome
and I think it may have started on here before or something
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Re: Ace 3?

Postby jim carrey 85 » Thu Jan 08, 2015 12:47 am

Just quick question :D :) does Ace Ventura "Logo" on official Jim Carrey facebook page mean something?????WE COULD SEE ACE 3????
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Re: Ace 3?

Postby grinchy steve » Thu Jan 08, 2015 12:51 am

One can hope ... :ace:
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Re: Ace 3?

Postby jim carrey 85 » Thu Jan 08, 2015 12:59 am

Asking, because people are already going CRAZYYYY!!!!

Just look at this shit!

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Re: Ace 3?

Postby grinchy steve » Sat Sep 26, 2015 9:53 pm

No, no, no. :cry: Worst. News. Ever.

Ace Ventura remake or reboot ... (maybe)

http://www.ign.com/articles/2015/09/24/ ... -the-works

The audience will never accept it. So, give us Ace Ventura 3 now. :ace:
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Re: Ace 3?

Postby grinchy steve » Sun Oct 16, 2016 4:40 am

The other day I was watching one of his latest appearances on a talk show. Got me thinking he should hurry if Ace Ventura 3 is still an option. Cause, despite the fact he looks ver good for his age, he can't be much older for this character to work, the way I feel it. The gap would be too big. Already had that feeling a bit with D&D2. And if there's one movie I keep hoping for, It's Ace. No doubt. :ace:
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