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Jim Carrey Statement about Lawsuit

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Re: Jim Carrey Statement about Lawsuit.

Postby EvaAraujo » Sun Oct 16, 2016 10:33 pm

AdaL wrote:
Well, no the conversation does not leave us in the same position. I don't think it is remotely unhealthy to discuss what's going on; quite the contrary actually.
And maybe practically speaking little can actually be done, but what *can* be done is to inform each other and other people on the facts here as opposed to allowing the lies to fester and perpetuate in the way that the media is currently doing.
Think about it - google Jim Carrey and this is the only and biggest fansite. I can *bet* you that people will come here for info and to snoop around on opinions. Undoubtedly.
I have lost count of the amount of times on other sites people have posted "oh my god, I had no idea" and "Well, that shows things in a whole different light", when I've explained the back story on what's going on here re: Scientology etc.
That is INSANELY valuable. And if people come on here and find......nothing. What does that say? It just leaves people with the lies that the media are feeding everyone to satisfy their sales and generate clickbait. Earlier I actually read a headline that said "Carrey intimidating ex's family"... I mean...WTAF.
And if people don't stand up for him publicly and smack people in the face with the facts, the damage to his reputation is done and these fuckers are winning.
And yes, this has been ALL over the news in the UK.. The tabloids are creaming themselves over it.
Believe me, it IS doing good to discuss it. Nobody HAS to get involved and if you don't want to discuss it then fine, but I don't believe it's OK to suggest people should shut up about it. Far from it.
And in regards to what Jim would want.. Well, I would imagine Jim would want to not be attacked by a bunch of scheming, evil extortionists who are hell bent on exploiting tragedy and ruining him, but sadly that is what's happening. I'm sure he'd LOVE for the focus to be on his art - wouldn't we all.. but life doesn't go the way you want.
I don't know the man, but if I were in his position, I would want people speaking up for me, supporting me and telling the truth. Particularly people on my own fansite.
I'm certain he wishes that this shit wasn't happening at all .. but it is. And people who believe in decency and the truth can step up and do their bit, no matter how small.

What drives me crazy is lies, shit people and apathy and willingness to accept whatever's laid in front of them from the public. What would drive me even *crazier* is to be prevented from speaking up, saying what I feel and telling the truth.
Yes, you can shout all you want and yes of course people have the option to ignore you, but that shouldn't stop you from shouting.

We DO have the power to change minds. As I said above, I've informed SO many people I've spoken to about the truth here and they've completely changed their opinions based on FACTS. This is VERY important. HUGELY, ENORMOUSLY important. Don't underestimate it.
No, we can't make the whole nasty, vicious attack,the evil bastards and the scum lawyer fuck off into the fiery heart of the sun, but we can lessen the impact of the lies they're spreading by telling people the truth.

The negative exists right now whether we like it or not and choosing to ignore it is what attracts more of it and allows it to prosper. Fighting it with the positivity of the truth is what kills it.
And I'm not saying that this should be the only subject on the table, of course not. Discussing his art AND talking about this are not mutually exclusive but choosing to ignore this completely is a massive let-down to him.

I've posted this before and I'll post it again -
"The world is a dangerous place to live; not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it"
-Albert Einstein

I never said t was unhealthy to discuss things. I believe that’s how you solve anything.
I agree with you on informing about the facts. That’s how we can make a truthfull opinion.

JCO is the best fan website dedicated to Jim. No doubt. And fans, come here to find info about him, whether they participate or not, I’m certain they will.

But the media won’t and some people won’t do it either. Those you are not fans won’t come here for info.
And those you “bet” will may come and change their opinion but won’t transmit the message.
When it comes to do the homework of research to learn something (no matter what), my experience is that people are lazy.

I’m glad you’ve been able to change some people minds. That is just amazing.
When people come here they will find plenty information about his carrer and his life.
But Adal, at some point, the argument is over andd there’s nothing more to discuss because it has already been said.

Otherwise this is will turn into a sensationalize website and that’s the oposite of what a fan website should be.
Those headlines will died down, untill the next “story”, whether is about Jim or any other artist. Remember the gun-control situation a few years ago?
It was all over the news. We here, talked about it, discuss it, made articles about the reactions of both Jim and the world in general but eventually the story moved on.

I even remember when he launch the video “A Love message to Emma Stone” and the mean coments he got mostly of course by the media and anonymous people. Just like you, I took the time to make things clear and if any people changed their mind I never knew.

I realize then that you have to inform people but making a crusade out of it won’t be of service to anyone.

Being his fans, we’ll always stand for him and I’m sure any of us, confronted directy by someone who trashes Jim, we would stand up and say something.
Adal I have done it before just like you’re doing now. I spent a week informing people about the truth. A truth they just need to open their eyes to see.

There’s no damage to his reputation. He hasn’t lost any jobs over it, we’re still here and he’s a great actor.
It’s true that the media influences things and I think that’s a reason to be concerne but so far I haven’t seen any consequences. I think he suffer more judgement from the public in general over the gun-control issue.

Oh right! I forgot in UK the tabloid business is very big. Sorry about that! ^^’
But either way, the info is on tabloid! Nowadays who is stupid enough to take what is said in them as the ultimate truth? Only dumb people.
I agree with you Adal. It is good to discuss it and we have.
I NEVER said you should shut up about it. I just think there’s nothing else to say and that now we have to wait and see what will happen. I feel like when it comes to the info we know, good or bad, we need to wait for the solutions to see what will happen. That’s all.

Oh yes! Jim would definately prefer for none of this crap to happen but he knows by experience that’s always a possibility. It doesn’t justify the mean things but I feel that us being mean won’t do anything either.

We don’t need to become the media to support Jim. We don’t need to be saying the same thing here over and over again and only talk about what the media wants us to focus on to speak for him.

You’re right when you say we should do our part. I’ve done my part and will always continue to do so.
I get it girl. All those things drive me nuts too and I NEVER meant for you to think you couldn’t speak your mind. Trust me, been there, done that. I just believe that we should speak our mind, do what we can in the little we can but not to make it a crusade or just focus on that. I feel like if we did that, automaticlly we woudn’t be better that those who shared hatred.

We here tell the truth about Jim’s carrer and life. But never in a TMZ, tabloid crap way.
We don’t focus on that because, eventually that will died down and be proven a lie.

I think the massive let-down would be to only talk about this because it’s the one think the media is doing.
I’ll wait for what comes next because I believe that if Jim decided to fight for this, this will be solve sooner than we may think.
I don’t want to wake you every morning and feel like the only thing I focus when I think about Jim is on things that at the end of the day, don’t matter.

Today Dumb & Dumber To, premiered for the first time on TV, here is Portugal.
That’s what I will celebrate.
Last edited by EvaAraujo on Mon Oct 17, 2016 5:39 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: :(

Postby AdaL » Sun Oct 16, 2016 10:51 pm



The world seems so shitty right now. I can't wait for this arse-rot of a year to be over.
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Re: Jim Carrey Statement about Lawsuit.

Postby fluffy » Sun Oct 16, 2016 11:43 pm

Group hug people...feeeeeel the lurve.......xxx :wink:
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Re: :(

Postby fluffy » Sun Oct 16, 2016 11:46 pm

God yeah, we just have to look at the news to see the atrocities in Syria and Yemen to name but 2........plus the usa has an atrocious choice to make and the Uk is gonna go it alone.......so keep the faith folks.....it will sort itself out in the end.
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Re: Jim Carrey Statement about Lawsuit.

Postby AdaL » Mon Oct 17, 2016 1:13 am

EvaAraujo wrote:
AdaL wrote:
Well, no the conversation does not leave us in the same position. I don't think it is remotely unhealthy to discuss what's going on; quite the contrary actually.
And maybe practically speaking little can actually be done, but what *can* be done is to inform each other and other people on the facts here as opposed to allowing the lies to fester and perpetuate in the way that the media is currently doing.
Think about it - google Jim Carrey and this is the only and biggest fansite. I can *bet* you that people will come here for info and to snoop around on opinions. Undoubtedly.
I have lost count of the amount of times on other sites people have posted "oh my god, I had no idea" and "Well, that shows things in a whole different light", when I've explained the back story on what's going on here re: Scientology etc.
That is INSANELY valuable. And if people come on here and find......nothing. What does that say? It just leaves people with the lies that the media are feeding everyone to satisfy their sales and generate clickbait. Earlier I actually read a headline that said "Carrey intimidating ex's family"... I mean...WTAF.
And if people don't stand up for him publicly and smack people in the face with the facts, the damage to his reputation is done and these fuckers are winning.
And yes, this has been ALL over the news in the UK.. The tabloids are creaming themselves over it.
Believe me, it IS doing good to discuss it. Nobody HAS to get involved and if you don't want to discuss it then fine, but I don't believe it's OK to suggest people should shut up about it. Far from it.
And in regards to what Jim would want.. Well, I would imagine Jim would want to not be attacked by a bunch of scheming, evil extortionists who are hell bent on exploiting tragedy and ruining him, but sadly that is what's happening. I'm sure he'd LOVE for the focus to be on his art - wouldn't we all.. but life doesn't go the way you want.
I don't know the man, but if I were in his position, I would want people speaking up for me, supporting me and telling the truth. Particularly people on my own fansite.
I'm certain he wishes that this shit wasn't happening at all .. but it is. And people who believe in decency and the truth can step up and do their bit, no matter how small.

What drives me crazy is lies, shit people and apathy and willingness to accept whatever's laid in front of them from the public. What would drive me even *crazier* is to be prevented from speaking up, saying what I feel and telling the truth.
Yes, you can shout all you want and yes of course people have the option to ignore you, but that shouldn't stop you from shouting.

We DO have the power to change minds. As I said above, I've informed SO many people I've spoken to about the truth here and they've completely changed their opinions based on FACTS. This is VERY important. HUGELY, ENORMOUSLY important. Don't underestimate it.
No, we can't make the whole nasty, vicious attack,the evil bastards and the scum lawyer fuck off into the fiery heart of the sun, but we can lessen the impact of the lies they're spreading by telling people the truth.

The negative exists right now whether we like it or not and choosing to ignore it is what attracts more of it and allows it to prosper. Fighting it with the positivity of the truth is what kills it.
And I'm not saying that this should be the only subject on the table, of course not. Discussing his art AND talking about this are not mutually exclusive but choosing to ignore this completely is a massive let-down to him.

I've posted this before and I'll post it again -
"The world is a dangerous place to live; not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it"
-Albert Einstein

I never said t was unhealthy to discuss things. I believe that’s how you solve anything.
I agree with you on informing about the facts. That’s how we can make a truthfull opinion.

JCO is the best fan website dedicated to Jim. No doubt. And fans, come here to find info about him, whether they participate or not, I’m certain they will.

But the media won’t and some people won’t do it either. Those you are not fans won’t come here for info.
And those you “bet” will may come and change their opinion but won’t transmot the message.
When it comes to do the homework of research to learn something (no matter what), my experience is that people are lazy.

I’m glad you’ve been able to change some people minds. That is just amazing.
When people cme here they will find plenty information about his carre rand his life.
But Adal, at some point, the argment is over na dthere’s nothing more to discuss because it has already been said.

Otherwise this is will turn into a sensationalize website and that’s the oposite of what a fan website should be.
Those headlines will died down, untill the next “story”, whether is about Jim or any other artist. Remember the gun-control situation a few years ago?
It was all over the news. We here, talked about it, discuss it, made articles about the reactions of both Jim and the world in general but eventually the story moved on.

I even remember when he launch the vídeo “A Love message to Emma Stone” and the mean coments he got mostly of course by the media and anonymous people. Just like you, I took the time to make things clear and if any people changed their mind I never knew.

I realize then that you have to inform people but making a crusade out of it won’t be of servisse to anyone.

Being his fans, we’ll always stand for him and I’m sure any of us, confronted directy by someone who trashes Jim, we would stand up and say something.
Adal I have done it before just like you’re doing now. I spent a week informing people about the truth. A truth they just need to open their eyes to see.

There’s no damage to his reputation. He hasn’t lost any jobs over it, we’re still here and he’s a great actor.
It’s true that the media influences things and I think that’s a reason to be concerne but so far I haven’t seen any consequences. I think he suffer more judgement from the public in general over the gun-control issue.

Oh right! I forgot in UK the tabloid business is very big. Sorry about that! ^^’
But either way, the info is on tabloid! Noaways who is stupid enough to take what is said in them as the ultimate truth? Only dumb people.
I agree with you Adal. It is good to discuss it and we have.
I NEVER said you should shut up about it. I just think there’s nothing else to say and that now we have to wait and see what will happen. I feel like when it comes to the info we know, good or bad, we need to wait for the solutions to see what will happen. That’s all.

Oh yes! Jim would definately prefer for none of this crap to happen but he knows by experience that’s always a possibility. It doesn’t justify the mean things but I feel that us being mean won’t do anything either.

We don’t need to become the media to support Jim. We don’t need to be saying the same thing here ove rand over again and only talk about what the medias wants us to focus on to speak for him.

You’re right when you say we should do our part. I’ve done part and will always continue to do so.
I get it girl. All those things drive me nuts too and I NEVER meant for you to think you couldn’t speak your mind. Trust me, been there, done that. I just believe that we should speak our mind, do what we can in the little we can but not to make it a crusade or just focus on that. I feel like if we did that, automaticlly we woudn’t be better that those who shared hatred.

We here tell the truth about Jim’s carrer and life. But never in a TMZ, tabloid crap way.
We don’t focus on that because, eventually that will died down and be proven a lie.

I think the massice let-down would be to only talk about this because it’s the one think the media is doing.
I’ll wait for what comes next because I believe that if Jim decided to fight for this, this will be solve sooner than we may think.
I don’t want to wake you every morning and feel like the only thing I focus when I think about Jim is on things that at the end of the day, don’t matter.

Today Dumb & Dumber To, premiered for the first time on TV, here is Portugal.
That’s what I will celebrate.

I wouldn't be so sure that only fans would be browsing here. People looking to find out more about what they've read in the news would naturally graviatate to anywhere were people are discussing it. And it's not as if we're shrieking harpies plucking theories out of thin air - we're intelligent individuals that are focused on the facts.
I don't agree that we've said everything that needs to be said. It's important to keep discussing what's going on - I mean, there's a new heinous shot for his money every day so there's lots to talk about. And I think the frustration of this is good to talk about and get off your chest. I'm off the charts angry and letting off steam by talking about it is a helpful preventative measure against smashing plates.
I don't think we could be accused of sensationalising anything and I certainly haven't seen any evidence of anyone being 'mean'. It's the mean viciousness that we're angry about.
I wouldn't call that a crusade. It's ongoing and we continue to talk about it and discuss the facts. Yes, I remember the Emma Stone and Gun Control thing. Both examples of the general insanity and stupidity of people; one was a skit and the other was a goodhearted human being with a moral compass saying what every rational person in the world thinks.
But this is different - this is evil. A coordinated and vile attack looking to publicly trash his reputation and steal his money. It's more important that this is addressed as often as it possibly can be.
But no, I don't think this will harm his reputation at all and as we've said - people will forget this once it's over but the intent to do him harm is there.

I do appreciate what you're saying honestly, and it's good that you're happy to encourage discussion around it. I certainly don't think for a moment that this should be the only avenue of conversation - far from it. It's vital to keep talking about all things that are related to him and I would never suggest any different.

Whatever we say or choose to involve ourselves in, it's good that we are so rational and reasoned.
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Re: Jim Carrey Statement about Lawsuit.

Postby AdaL » Mon Oct 17, 2016 1:19 am

fluffy wrote:Group hug people...feeeeeel the lurve.......xxx :wink:

xx I'm liking the vibe you're spreading here tonight. I wish there was a spliff smilie ..
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Re: :(

Postby AdaL » Mon Oct 17, 2016 1:21 am

fluffy wrote:God yeah, we just have to look at the news to see the atrocities in Syria and Yemen to name but 2........plus the usa has an atrocious choice to make and the Uk is gonna go it alone.......so keep the faith folks.....it will sort itself out in the end.

God, if this year ends with Trump taking up residence in The White House........ :shock:
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Re: :(

Postby EvaAraujo » Mon Oct 17, 2016 5:31 am

AdaL wrote:
fluffy wrote:God yeah, we just have to look at the news to see the atrocities in Syria and Yemen to name but 2........plus the usa has an atrocious choice to make and the Uk is gonna go it alone.......so keep the faith folks.....it will sort itself out in the end.

God, if this year ends with Trump taking up residence in The White House........ :shock:

The thought alone makes you shiver for mankind! :(
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Re: Jim Carrey Statement about Lawsuit.

Postby EvaAraujo » Mon Oct 17, 2016 5:45 am

fluffy wrote:Group hug people...feeeeeel the lurve.......xxx :wink:

I don't think we're mad at eachother, are we Adal? I'm certainly not. Just sharing diferent points of view.
I will give you a hug anytime, any day! :)

Come on, bring me those bones! :lol:
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Re: Jim Carrey Statement about Lawsuit.

Postby EvaAraujo » Mon Oct 17, 2016 5:54 am

AdaL wrote:Yes, I remember the Emma Stone and Gun Control thing. Both examples of the general insanity and stupidity of people; one was a skit and the other was a goodhearted human being with a moral compass saying what every rational person in the world thinks.

But this is different - this is evil. A coordinated and vile attack looking to publicly trash his reputation and steal his money. It's more important that this is addressed as often as it possibly can be.
But no, I don't think this will harm his reputation at all and as we've said - people will forget this once it's over but the intent to do him harm is there.

I do appreciate what you're saying honestly, and it's good that you're happy to encourage discussion around it. I certainly don't think for a moment that this should be the only avenue of conversation - far from it. It's vital to keep talking about all things that are related to him and I would never suggest any different.

Whatever we say or choose to involve ourselves in, it's good that we are so rational and reasoned.

I completly agree! =D>
We may have diferent points of views but there's much more that we agree on.

We will soon be discussing how big the hole that guy will have to dig to hide himself.
But more important than that is:
Are we cool Adal?
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Re: Jim Carrey Statement about Lawsuit.

Postby fluffy » Mon Oct 17, 2016 8:51 am

Lol......i always say that if they handed out puppies and kittens to the midddle east peace talk delegates to cuddle during the talks, then we'd have found the solutions by now......
:wink: :D
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Re: Jim Carrey Statement about Lawsuit.

Postby AdaL » Mon Oct 17, 2016 12:48 pm

EvaAraujo wrote:
We will soon be discussing how big the hole that guy will have to dig to hide himself.

He'll probably slither his slimey carcass back down into the sewer and hide there like an enormous oozing fatberg until the next opportunity to extort someone comes along...

EvaAraujo wrote:
But more important than that is:
Are we cool Adal?

You bet your butt we are... xx
*rugby tackles you*

We need hug smilies on here. I've been looking for something approximating one and there's nowt..
Have a Grinch instead.. :grinch:
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Re: Jim Carrey Statement about Lawsuit.

Postby Serap E. » Mon Oct 17, 2016 1:15 pm

AdaL wrote:
He'll probably slither his slimey carcass back down into the sewer and hide there like an enormous oozing fatberg until the next opportunity to extort someone comes along...

Haha your imaginaton is limitless :lol: Only reading him paying the court expenses is enough for me but i will jump for joy if he gets punished for fake marriage.
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Re: Jim Carrey Statement about Lawsuit.

Postby AdaL » Mon Oct 17, 2016 2:29 pm

Serap E. wrote:
AdaL wrote:
He'll probably slither his slimey carcass back down into the sewer and hide there like an enormous oozing fatberg until the next opportunity to extort someone comes along...

Haha your imaginaton is limitless :lol: Only reading him paying the court expenses is enough for me but i will jump for joy if he gets punished for fake marriage.


Serap E. wrote:Only reading him paying the court expenses is enough for me but i will jump for joy if he gets punished for fake marriage.

Oh, GOD, the pleasure that would give me would be nothing short of orgasmic. Seriously.

*pleeeease... bankrupt him with legal fees and prosecute him for an illegal marriage*
Karma gon' getcha.. Can't hide behind David Miscavige when THAT happens, cocknose.
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Re: Jim Carrey Statement about Lawsuit.

Postby Serap E. » Mon Oct 17, 2016 4:45 pm

I'm saving some photos of Jim to send to these "lo-ho-se-hers" via twitter and facebook when that day comes. Yes i'm gonna do this. And it's going to be fun.
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