Truman Show Purpose
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Truman Show PurposeHey I am currently doing a major assignment at school for the Truman Show. One of the questions is what is the purpose of the composer in this case Peter Weir or Christof. "To do this you will need to consider the composers purposes, the distinctive features of their texts" Thats kinda the question im just wondering would you guys or girls have information of what Christof's or Peter Weir idea was creating the "ideal world" Thanks for your time.
I just saw this twice over the weekend.
Here's my opinion. Christof's purpose was to create a controlled environment and world for Truman, who was picked as a baby to be the star of his 24 hour-a-day reality show. Everything Truman experienced was fake (except for his emotions). In a way, Christof was playing the part of God, who doesn't like to intervene with our free will or the natural progression of the world. Christof was doing the same thing. Let's see how Truman will react tonight if we introduce this character to his world. I don't know what he's going to do, but it will be fun to watch. That was his motivation for the entire thing.... entertainment. And the question we're left with by the end of the movie is, how far would he have gone to keep the audience gripped with the story development? What if Truman died during that boat ride to freedom? Did he care, if the ratings for that evening were up? Did he care, that Truman's real world was an artificial one? It's interesting to see how that movie was the first real reality show, like Jim Carrey says. And it's sad that Hollywood seems to run out of original ways to entertain us. Who knows? Maybe there's a Christof out there, trying to create something like the Truman Show for real? It's a matter of time.
Good observation FilI think you pretty well said it all in a nutshell.
Will our world really get to that point? , I hope not. But it could be switched around so that monitoring could help instead of hinder, assist those who need help not constant harassing. eg. paparazzi
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