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Kate interview about Jim and ESOTSM

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Kate interview about Jim and ESOTSM

Postby Belbee » Thu Mar 11, 2004 1:38 am

There's an interivew with Kate Winslet in <!--EZCODE LINK START--><a href="http://www.gotham-magazine.com/" target="top">Gotham Magazine</a><!--EZCODE LINK END--> and there's a little extract of it on their website. I'm only going to but the bits here relating to ESOTSM and Jim but you can read the rest if you like on thier site. Also, the interview kind of gives away bits that have been left out of the movie so if you don't want to know.. maybe don't read! lol!<br><br><br>G: In Eternal Sunshine, the whole premise of the film is that you can have bad memories erased. Would you ever want to do that?<br><br>KW: I don’t think I would. I think that some of the toughest stuff I’ve ever been through has been some of the most formative stuff for me. I think you learn from your mistakes and get stronger through the @#%$ times. I just feel like I’ve been through so much good stuff and bad stuff that’s all been incredibly valuable that I’m really grateful for. <br><br>G: Clementine Kruczynski is such a great name—and she’s such a rich character.<br><br>KW: I passionately wanted to play Clementine. She was so obviously completely different than everything I’ve done before, but in many ways I felt she was very close to me in the kind of zany sides of myself that I’ve never really been able to express onscreen.<br><br>G: She’s kind of a bitch, but at the same time…<br><br>KW: …you sort of love her because she does not give a @#%$. In fact, during that second scene where she invites him back to her apartment and they have drinks, a whole chunk of that scene was taken out. She said, “Do you think I’m repulsively fat?” And he goes, “No, no, no, no.” And she goes, “No, neither do I. I used to but I’m through with that.” And then she talks about how she loves her body and if she doesn’t love her body, how could she be at peace with who she is. Which is a wonderful piece of dialogue, but I was pleased that they had taken it out. It made her less neurotic and actually more believable. She was true to who she was<br><br>G: Let’s not even dwell on it. Let’s talk about the winter beach scenes in Montauk. Because as soon as summer is over, most of us forget about the beach. It was so lovely to see! It made me miss my house on Fire Island!<br><br>KW: We’ve completely fallen in love with Fire Island! We have friends who have a house in Ocean Beach, and they kindly lent it to us for a week in November before Joe was born. It’s so wonderful. It’s kind of blustery and real. It was freezing cold, but that’s how we love it. I love getting blown around by the wind.<br><br>G: Usually when Jim Carrey does a movie, it’s a “Jim Carrey movie.” But this film is equally about your character. His performance is so subtle.<br><br>KW: I was really impressed with how he acknowledged that he needed to be someone completely different from anyone he’d been before. He was very determined to nail that and get rid of anything that had been seen in any other character that he’s played. That was massively important to me, as well. I don’t like the idea of remanufacturing the same old character or going back to the same set of emotions that I used for whomever. But with Clementine, it was a massive emotional departure. I could explore so many other places because it wasn’t a period film, which obviously I’m most used to. I loved playing her so much that at the end of the day I would actually be quite depressed to put my own clothes back on. I’d be like, “I wear too much black!” I loved the costumes so much that I asked to have them all. The wigs are upstairs in a box.<br> <p></p><i></i>
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Re: Kate and Jim

Postby Kate and Jim » Thu Mar 11, 2004 8:03 pm

More from Kate about Jim... some of these quotes are quite telling I think... <br><br>"Winslet Filled With Sunshine" <br><br>March 11, 2004 <br><br><br>Kate Winslet, the British actress who plays an American woman in the upcoming SF film Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, told SCI FI Wire that she and co-star Jim Carrey had to be friends before they could play on-screen lovers. "When you come at a script like this that is so incredibly rich and has ... such well-formed characters, a lot of the work is really done for you," Winslet said in an interview. "But ... in order for this to work, Jim and I had to get on. We did have to be friends. And frankly you can't make that happen, you just have to hope for the best. ... And we didn't really work that out, you know? We just did get on very, very well, and he made me laugh. And I was able to make him laugh, too, which was a tremendously rewarding feeling for me." <br><br>Winslet plays Clementine Kruczynski, a free-spirited woman who decides to wipe the memory of her ex-boyfriend, Joel (Carrey), from her mind. "Jim and I had a very, very good understanding," she said. "He's quite easy to read, as well, so if we had a very lively scene, where we're tearing about on a beach having a snowball fight, then, yeah, he is kind of goofy and silly and a little more relaxed and comfortable, actually. And when he would have to play the really shy, introverted Joel and be doing the more intense, emotional scenes, then he could become quite withdrawn and just focused and want to be in his own space." <br><br>Would Winslet - who just had a baby with her second husband, director Sam Mendes - ever want to erase the memory of anyone herself? "No, I would never that," she said. "I just feel that all the good and bad experiences that we all go through as human beings are what forms us and what enforces the decisions we make and who we're with and how we are as people. ... I don't really regret anything in my life." <br><br>Source: <!--EZCODE LINK START--><a href="http://www.scifi.com/" target="top">Sci Fi Wire</a><!--EZCODE LINK END--> <p></p><i></i>
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