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You are here: Home > Recent > News > Jim Carrey Twitter
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Jim Carrey Twitter
19 Sep 2010    

By cotton (Web correspondent)

As many of you already know Jim Carrey has a verified Twitter account that he seems to be taking a break from lately. But some people have been asking us if he has a second Twitter account. The answer is: No, he doesn't!

If you are on a Twitter page where the person claims to be Jim and is not verified then that person is not him. Don't let them fool you. Jim does not have a second a Twitter account so he can follow his fans like one of them claims. And never click on the links that they tweet cause there is a good chance your computer will get infected with spyware or a virus.

Jim Carrey's one and only Twitter page is here ---> http://twitter.com/JimCarrey

Jim Carrey Twitter

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