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You are here: Home > Recent > News > Golden Globe Awards - Jim Carrey Introduces "American Hustle"
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Golden Globe Awards - Jim Carrey Introduces "American Hustle"
13 Jan 2014    

By Eva Araújo (Web correspondent)

Every year the red carpet is stretch in the streets of L.A. to welcome all the starts that we love, as they received their most deserving awards.

Yesterday, the 71th Golden Globe Ceremony took place, presenting all the nominees from movies to TV, with the so desired Golden Globe.

Jim Carrey, who had previously won two awards for Best Actor in a Drama and in a Comedy or Musical with "The Truman Show" (1999) and with "Man on the Moon" (2000), attended the ceremony this year as a presenter.

Jim was responsible to introduce the movie "American Hustle" to the audience. Which later in the evening won in the category.

In an elegant black suit with a black shirt and bow tie, Jim looked stunning as he walked by the stage to get to the microphone.

Jim Carrey   Jim Carrey

He was introduced by letting the audience know that his upcoming movie is "Dumb and Dumber To" which made the public laugh.

Being as funny as ever he started his speech:

"You're right, you're right! I can't argue with ya!
Dying is easy, comedy is hard. I believe it was Shia LaBeouf who said that.
So young and so wise."

Again the audience burst into laughter as Jim continued, still with that beautiful smile we're all used to:

"The next, of tonight's films, nominated for Best Comedy or Musical tells the story of a brilliant conman who along with his seductive and cutting partner… is there a seven second delay tonight? Cause that sounded dirty… Anyway. He and this partner are force to work for a very unconventional FBI agent while the conman's unpredictable wife threatens to bring their scheme and their lives crashing down… I hate when that happens. This is American Hustle".

As always, Jim entertained. And it was good to see him again at the Golden Globe Awards.

Check out our Gallery for more pics of Jim at this year ceremony and the press room and we hope to share soon the video of Jim's introduction.

We at JCO, we keep you post it.

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