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You are here: Home > Recent > News > Jim Carrey at The David Lynch Foundation Honoring Rick Rubin
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Jim Carrey at The David Lynch Foundation Honoring Rick Rubin
01 Mar 2014    

By Eva Araújo (Web correspondent)

Last Thursday, February 27, Jim was on hand at the David Lynch Foundation's honoring of Rick Rubin for a "Lifetime of Harmony" award. The David Lynch Foundation's raises awareness and furthers education on transcendental meditation, of which Carrey is a practitioner and admirer. Music artists like Jake Bugg, Damien Rice and the Dixie Chicks were on hand to perform in the Beverly Wilshire Ballroom; of the latter, outspoken band, Carrey said, "They're amazing, they're incredible... I just lost the South!"

Jim Carrey

While there, Jim was question by some journalist, about the ending of production and the upcoming premiere of Dumb And Dumber To, and how it was the experience of shooting the movie:

"It's just really fantastic getting together with the old group again," Jim Carrey said, referring to "Dumb and Dumber" writers/directors Bobby and Peter Farrelly and co-lead Jeff Daniels. "I just saw an assemblage of the new movie… it's just so fun, it's almost a dissociative experience now. Harry and Lloyd are kind of their own people, like they actually exist. And they're not me, that's for sure."

He said climbing back into his character Lloyd Christmas' shoes was no sweat across from Daniels' Harry Dunne, like "no time had passed at all. It was great. He's amazing." As for getting in the mindset for the ceaselessly idiotic character? "Eat lead paint." Jim also said the biggest difference between the old script and this "very funny" film is that "it's on a computer now."

We cannot wait to see it!

You can check the pictures of the event, in our Gallery: David Lynch Foundation's honoring of Rick Rubin

Until the time comes, we at JCO will keep you update on more news.

-- Source: HITFIX. Click to comment this article.

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