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Memorable Moment: Jim Carrey's Unnatural Act
02 Jul 2014    

By Amanda Jayne (Web correspondent)

During the second season of "In Living Color", Jim Carrey began to prepare a stand-up comedy special. Before the special was telecast on Showtime, in November 1991, Jim's mother passed away. Jim dedicated "Jim Carrey's Unnatural Act" to the memory of Kathleen Carrey (aka "Mommsie").

No doubt watching this early piece of Jim's unique comedy skills, we see the seeds of genius manisfesting into the catalouge of work we have witnessed and will continue to do so with the much anticipated "Dumb and Dumber To".

"Jim Carrey's Unnatural Act" starts with Jim taking the rise out of 'Canadians' and those god damn happy 'Gospel Singers', don't be too upset if you fall into either category, Jimmy loves em both, you can only take the micheal out of what you love.

Jim Carrey

A fantastically funny bit for the dude's, who see Jim as a straight up guy's guy, his observational comedy skit about 'Orgasams', is then proceeded by a quick cut away to a brilliant dance routine with a traffic meter.

Next some really funny stuff that we will all recognise when he let's us in on the crazy 'Parents' and 'Old People' morph into...Leading oh so brilliantly into his famous and hilarious 'Jimmy Stewart' act. One of those moments when you go, "OMG yes, I get it!!!", Jimmy Stewert really does that and how beautifully original it was that Jim picked that out before any of his peers.

Jim continues to be unafraid to say what we all really think through the vechile of comedy, here it is about 'Impulses' (Trust me, you will recognise yourself).

The next bit of the video is sooo funny, it is about 'Music', 'Michael Bolton', 'Middle Eeastern Music', which our lovley friends' from that part of the world will get straight way, because they have a brilliant sense of humour and then another hilarious cut away to Jim doing 'Jim' in the fruit section of a Supermarket.

Fans of 'Fire Marshall Bill', 'Vera DeMilo' and Jim's amazing early impressions of celebs are in for a treat next...a brilliantly funny bit about 'Steriod Junkies', Jack Nicholson, Clint Eastwood, Michael Landon and James Dean, which is just a riot.

The closing of the video is everything we know about Jim now, the crazy, out there, original, in your face, engergetic, bendy, rubber faced genius of a talent. It is all there in the closing act re: An on stage nervous breakdown, A brilliant impression of the, 'Party Head Trippers' and his comic experience with early 'Drug Use'.

A special early video of Jim, a legend in the making, a fabulous performance for all the lucky people who were there that night.

Watch the stand-up show here:

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