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You are here: Home > Recent > News > Would Jim Play The Riddler Again?
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Would Jim Play The Riddler Again?
18 Dec 2014    

By Lucas Allen (Web correspondent)

That's the question he was asked by the MTV UK branch while there promoting Dumb & Dumber To as you can see in the video below. With the DC Universe getting a new Marvel-style big screen treatment after the success of the polarizing but still great Man of Steel and its upcoming 2016 follow-up Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice, it's only natural that one question has to be brought up. If the Riddler ever appears in the newer Batman movies, how would he be portrayed? Would the character be more rooted in the same dark vein as the Caped Crusader is known for nowadays, or just stick to the traditional wacky persona the character was known for especially in Batman Forever.

Batman Forever

Think back to 1995 for a couple of minutes when that movie was new and we're still accustomed to Jim's extraordinary talents. His casting as both the psychotically obsessive Edward Nygma and his alter-ego was the high watermark of the Batman universe created by Joel Schumacher after Tim Burton's departure. Schumacher's version was a more colorful-looking environment with high-style action and wacky villains that is often met with criticism and ridicule by comic book fans even after Batman & Robin's disastrous 1997 release.

Yet for all the criticism, Jim's version of The Riddler remains as perfectly fitting for that universe as the Bat nipples. But nowadays with the success of Christopher Nolan's Dark Knight trilogy, audiences are more in tune with the Batman-verse feel more grounded in reality. If you ever watch the highly acclaimed FOX series Gotham, the new version of Edward Nygma (played by Cory Michael Smith) is more of a social outcast working for the Gotham P.D. Would that be the type of character Jim can do if he's ever asked back into the DC Universe? Only time will tell.

Also in the video speaking of Nolan, Jim also mentions that one time he and the director were trying to get a Howard Hughes-biopic off the ground when Martin Scorsese's The Aviator starring Leonardo DiCaprio as Hughes was coming out. The project was halted, but Jim assures he would still love to work with Nolan. Considering the director's recent acclaimed success on his Kubrick-inspired Interstellar, seeing Jim in a Nolan movie would be something special. Whether it's their Hughes movie or something completely different whatever the case, it would still be great to see what the two can come up with together.

Watch the clip here:

-- Source: MTV. Click to comment this article.

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