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You are here: Home > Recent > News > Jim Carrey and Robert de Niro Want to Save Vaccines
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Jim Carrey and Robert de Niro Want to Save Vaccines
16 Apr 2016    

By Eva Araújo (Web correspondent)

Jim Carrey has always spoken openly on his belief that vaccines should be come safe, especially after some cases of autism that happen after some were taken.

He's right in that. Nowadays we do need to think about our heath and in a society that takes more and more prescription drugs, it's important to make them as safe as possible and take them is the right dose.

A few days ago, Jim Carrey shared a tweet where he posed in a photo with Robert de Niro who recently has told that his 18 year old son has autism:

The veteran actor is founder of the Tribeca Film Festival and came under fire last week after announcing he would screen Vexed: From Cover-up To Catastrophe. The documentary link MMR vaccine to autism.

He changed his mind last Saturday because "he did not want the backlash to affect the film festival but insisted that 'the movie is something that people should see.'"

As Jim has said many times before De Niro is not anti-vaccine but 'pro-safe vaccine'.

Robert: "'All I wanted is for the movie to be seen and people can make up their own judgment but you must see it. Let's find out the truth, let's just find out the truth. There's a lot of things that are not said. Nobody seems to want to address that, or they say they've addressed it and it's a closed issue. But it doesn't seem to be because there are many people who say they saw their kid change overnight. My wife says that (is what happened to my son). I don't remember. But my child is autistic. I, as a parent, of a child who has autism, I'm concerned, I want to know the truth."

We are glad to see more people willing to open their eyes and see the truth. It's important to make sure that greed isn't the norm because it can affect more than just our pockets.

Unfortunately, pharmaceutical companies make a lot of profit and that can lead to questions. It's time for us to see the reality and make sure our health and not money is being put in first place.

We at JCO will keep you updated as more news come.

-- Source: DailyMail. Click to comment this article.

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