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You are here: Home > Recent > News > Jim Carrey Vows To Leave Facebook
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Jim Carrey Vows To Leave Facebook
07 Feb 2018    

By Eva Araújo (Web correspondent)

Social media has taken a big role in our lives for the past years. So much so, that we are not sure if it good or bad, even though there's both advantages and problems that come with it.

In a tweet, yesterday Jim Carrey expressed that he will be going to leave Facebook because Facebook has profited from Russian interference in the elections:

In a public statement for the media Jim has explaining it a bit better:

"For a long time America enjoyed a geographical advantage in the world with oceans on both sides to protect it. Now, social media has created cyber-bridges over which those who do not have our best interest in mind can cross and we are allowing it. No wall is going to protect us from that. We must encourage more oversight by the owners of these social media platforms. This easy access has to be more responsibly handled. What we need now are activist investors to send a message that responsible oversight is needed. What the world needs now is capitalism with a conscience."

"Carrey has been outspoken on the subject of possible Russian collusion in the 2016 election, tweeting that "The Trump Presidency is a botched Russian black op" and calling President Donald Trump a "one-man Gomorrah" following the recent false nuclear alarm in Hawaii."

Jim has an official Facebook page, though it's not administered by Jim himself but by a Team Carrey member.

We all have to make decision to meet our needs and conscious and we support Jim.

We at JCO will keep you updated as more news come.

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