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Jim Carrey Speak About His Cartoons
11 Aug 2018    

By Eva Araújo (Web correspondent)

Jim Carrey and the cast and crew of the Showtime Series "Kidding" were at the Television Critics Association summer press tour earlier this week.

Even though the main subject was "Kidding", journalists took the opportunity to talk with Jim about his cartoons of Trump and his administration:

"It's not a choice for me to do cartoons, it's just happening. It's a reflex to what I don't like. It's a civilized way of dealing with it, express and get on board with as many voices that's possible that are shouting from the rooftops. I can't just watch this nightmare unfold I have to alchemize it into something that's creative and decent. Even if it's grass at times, I'm expressing the grass [feelings] others want to express and can't do so in their own lives, so when I stick a flag on Trump's ass it's because that's what everyone is seeing and I have to express that. I'm done with liars."

"Commenting on the controversy surrounding his betrayed of Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Carrey said he's our spoke for itself even when others try to put words in his mouth I didn't say ugly. I didn't say anything. I drew her essence. To me, ugly is an inside job."

When asked if Trump would be upset about his art, Jim says:

"You probably love them on some level. I'm sure it's insulting and I'm sure it's pissed him off, but at the same time, would you lie with a narcissist. It's not always shoots. You could do something that's horrible to him but because he's getting a lot of attention, horrible is all right to him."

Jim jokes that the best outcome from his art is Trump's impeachment and that his art is more impactful than words:

"It's a new way to make a public record. You can't tweet all you want, but there's something about a picture, about a creation, the picture to a whole other level and makes it fun to consume. It's kind of insane what I get to say."

Finally, Jim Carrey also admit he could get professional backlash for his comments:

"We are all under that now. Anything you say - I could say something right now that would go viral that would be insanely difficult to deal with. And yet I do it all the time. When I see a celebrity screw up and say something stupid, depending on the monumental-ness of the stupidity it's about to happen. If you answer a thousand questions in the day, one of those things one of your answers going to come home with you like a f***ing UFO and follow you around for the rest of the week.

Is Jim worried about repercussions? His answer is clear:

"No, I'm not worried about anything."

It's funny… We are not worried either. But we sure are proud.

We at CJO will keep you updated as more news come.

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