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Jim Carrey's KCRW Radio Interview (part 2)
30 Nov 2018    

By Eva Araújo (Web correspondent)

Here's part 2 of the phone conversation with Francis Anderton the host of the DNA (design and architecture) show of the KCRW Radio channel:

FA - Cartooning is actually a tremendous skill and one of the great challenges of doing cartoons well when one's trying to cartoon make a cartoon of a character that people know is capturing that character. And some of your images are quite effective in doing that. So how do you go about it. Is it the eyebrows. Is it the line of the mouth…

JC - It's the interior, It's the false belief, it's the fear. I'm drawing cowardice for the most part these days I'm drawing fear and fear turns into violence.

FA - But it's drawings that turns into eyes it turns into lips. So it turns into the to the movement of the hair

JC - Or color choices. That's the strangest thing when I look at the show I see the beginnings and I go wow it was rather crude red out of the gate and I slowly started turning into an actual cartoonist.

FA - Oh that's interesting. That's interesting. Would you like to be called a cartoonist.

JC - I think I'd be honored to be part of that pantheon champion. Absolutely. My gosh. How would a brilliant brilliant contribution they've given to the world.

FA - Are there any particular political cartoonists that you admire.

JC - Well, there's Doonesbury people like that, you know it's phenomenal and I've been compared to a few of those guys already and I'm like come on Camille. I can't deal with that right now. I still am amazed that people want to see them.

FA - But you're amazed really you're Jim Carrey.

JC - I'm glad, though. I know but there's a thing in this world that you know a lot of people aren't allowed to go outside the lines and I go outside the lines all the time. I live outside the lines.

Jim Carrey

FA - Now some of the images are fairly lay swaying I'm looking at one right now and it's literally got Trump kissing Putin's asshole. There there's no other way to describe that. And there's some other fairly tough cartoons as well. Meanwhile there's colleagues of yours out in the world of comedy like say Kathy Griffin you know who also produced a lacerating image of Trump and she wound up losing work all her work on TV. She could she's been deluged and continues to be deluged with hate mail.

JC - Very vulnerable. You know she got caught up in a photo shoot and her righteousness and you know we are we all have been extreme in this time period. So she got caught up you know and she got encouraged by a photographer who was like 'let's go all the way man'and you know she went OK because the in the moment it seems great. You know, jump. Tom Cruise jumped on the couch in the studio it was the greatest show uprate ever had. But in the viewing audience they went 'No'.

FA - So you're saying that circumstances got the better of her.

JC - An extreme circumstance.

FA - Because I think some have floated the idea that she got treated differently because she's a woman.

JC - No she just didn't. There's a line there's a law you can't directly threaten the president. And that got kind of a blurry area there and if you, guess what, these guys are thugs man and if you get in that blurry area you're going down.

FA - Have you had any threats of lawsuits. Would you like Trump to come off to you. Would you like him to write some eviscerating tweets.

JC - No. I'd like him to leave. I'd like him to hand over the keys to Marlago and the Trump Tower and to the feds and I'd like him to just disappear you know just go away.

FA - Let's go back to the innocence of children and five years ago you released a children's book. 'How Roland Rolls' you didn't do the illustrations they were done by a fellow named Bob Nassam.

JC - He did a wonderful job.

FA - Do you see other books in your future and do you anticipate doing the illustrations yourself.

JC - Well now that I've grown a little bit more confidence and stuff I was talking about that today with somebody is like at some point will be kind of interesting to play around with the graphic novel or something.

FA - It really would

JC - It really would be fun.

FA - And to conclude where we started which is just as his mode of expression you have a tremendous ability to express to put stuff out there to have the confidence to pick up a pen and put it on the paper and get your feelings out there. And I think a lot of people don't have that confidence and sort of wish they did, you know. What do you think the cartooning for you has been a kind of a therapy and would you recommend it to other people.

JC - I say draw and even if you're bad at it it's really great. It takes you away from the world. Anything that brings you into presence takes you away from your problems and your issues. This political cartooning doesn't so much but just because I am drawing some thing and creating something It absolutely takes a lot of the pain out of it because at least my voice will be heard. But drawing in general and even if you don't have a talent for drawing you put a canvas on the floor and you pick a color and you pour it, you know, get the house paint literally just acrylic house paint and pour it on a canvas. It's amazing. It's an incredible process. And since I began really heavily doing it about eight years ago I've turned many people into painters that had no idea they had that in them. It's an inspiring thing to get around someone who's been brought into presents by their art. It's the most addictive thing in the world. You know if you watch a soccer game and some great soccer player is running after the ball that's all there is in the world. You cannot help but get thrust into that involvement. It's addictive.(…)

I think I'm gonna take Jim's advice and you should trying too.

Jim Carrey

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