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The Graham Norton Show
05 Feb 2020    

By Eva Araújo (Web correspondent)

There's no way you go, on a promote tour and not step by London and there's no way you step by London and you don't go to the Graham Norton Show.

Jim attended the show last Friday to promote "Sonic the Hedgehog". As usual… he made an impression.

As soon as he arrived he played with one of the guests who was pregnant by saying "I'm here to support so glad I could be here while you're crowning" and doing an impression with his mouth and tongue of what eight months of pregnancy look like making everyone laugh.

He talked about the movie and playing Dr. Robotnik and even joked about the fact that it's based on a computer game character: "We're trying to get kids away from the computer games and back into the theater to watch movies about computer games."

Before a clip of the movie showing a clip of Dr. Robotnik dancing, Jim explained how that came about: "They just said here's a room do something with this music and have some fun so it's it's the evil dance of self-glorification." He also mentions that he chose the song: "That's a Canadian band I came up with that song from my childhood and actually turned out to be a band from Vancouver."

He also talked about that he want to go to Australia and jokes with Margot Robbie about it.

Then Jim talked about the his memoir/novel book and explain how the cover came about:

"Interesting story behind this cover, what happened there was a missile alert in Hawaii, a little while back and I was in Hawaii. It was an alarm on the television, it was crazy and my assistant Linda who lives on the other side of the Island called me crying and said we have 10 minutes left Chief and what should we do the missiles are gonna land and that picture on the front of my book is an accidental screen grab that she did because she was so tense so that's my face when I believe that I have 10 minutes left to live. The feeling was wow that's kind of weird a funny way for it to end you know? And I went into this time of the last 10 minutes thinking. She said "Should we get in the car? Should we all try to meet up?", and I said I don't want to die in my car and then I sat down and this overwhelming sense of peace came over me and I started to go through a list of gratitude for my life for everything that had happened and about two minutes left to go I thought I'll just close my eyes and then I got the information that it wasn't real but I was I know what it's going to be like in the last ten minutes if I was to know that it was going to end so it's a kind of a unique place to be you know to be able to sit back and go okay there's actually a state of calm."

Check out the ful show:

We at JCO will keep you updated as more news come.

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