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You are here: Home > Recent > News > Final Sonic 2 Trailer Gives Jim Carrey Wild New Powers
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Final Sonic 2 Trailer Gives Jim Carrey Wild New Powers
14 Mar 2022    

By Eva Araújo (Web correspondent)

You may think you are ready for this, but both we and Jim Carrey are telling you… you are not!

The final trailer for "Sonic the Hedgehog 2", has surfaced today and it's amazing! We get to see all the characters again and with more footage from Dr. Robotnik! It's a very cool trailer. So cool, even Jim Carrey tweeted about it, check his tweet below the trailer.

The trailer begins with a beautiful Hawaiian wedding, which gets interrupted by Tom's (Marsden) phone ringing with a fun easter egg — the ringtone is the "Green Hill Zone theme" from the original video game. On the other end of the call is Sonic snowboarding down a mountain being chased by a swarm of robots. Tom then uses one of the portal rings from the first film to give Sonic an escape. From there, the trailer lays down the plot: Dr. Robotnik is back and has found an unlimited energy source (which fans of the game will recognize as a chaos emerald) that Sonic and the gang need to get from him or else the world is doomed.

Robotnik has also teamed up with Knuckles, an echidna as strong as Sonic is fast. We then see a myriad of action scenes from the film, such as Sonic and Tails fighting a swarm of robots in a temple, Sonic and Knuckles fighting each other as they snowboard down a mountain, and Sonic and Tom running away from a giant robot mech that looks like the one Dr. Robotnik has in the game. The trailer ends with letting fans know that tickets for the movie are now on sale!

Final trailer for Sonic 2:

Check out Jim Carrey's tweet:

Holy mother of golden rings! This is unbelievably cool!

We at JCO will keep you updated as fast as Sonic!

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