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Scammers Alert: Criminals Pretending to be Jim Carrey
03 Aug 2022    

By Eva Araújo (Web correspondent)

If you truly are or claim to be a fan of actor Jim Carrey, you need to read this article and see the video we have for you. Over the years we have brought to you news regarding Jim's work but this article will be an exception to the rule.

Since social media has been created, there has been people creating fan accounts. Many do it to reach out to other fans or, like us, to inform others about our favorite actor's work.

The only accounts who are verified and the ones who truly belong to the artists in question. Period. But genuine fan accounts, although not verified, have in their profile the mention that they are not the artist but just a fan having fun, sharing and talking to others.

In the last few years a new pandemic of scammers has surfaced through social media. They pretend to be the artists with many excuses and after a period of time of conversation - via WhatsUp, email, text message, social media private messages, etc - they eventually ask you for money, giving several reasons why they either don't have access to it or - through the idea of sending you "fan gifts"- ask you to pay the outrageous shipping cost to send them.

We are sick and tired of this. So, let's face the FACTS:

Fact Number 1: Jim Carrey ONLY HAS A TWITTER ACCOUNT - It's the ONLY SOCIAL MEDIA he has. You can find him here https://twitter.com/jimcarrey

Fact Number 2: He WILL NEVER HAVE A INSTAGRAM ACCOUNT - Why? He did have a Facebook Page a few years ago but in 2018 he deleted it. We at JCO, even wrote an article about it that contains the tweet he sent to let us know why he did it: http://jimcarreyonline.com/recent/news.php?id=2431

Fact Number 3: Since Instagram and Facebook belong to the same company, he WON'T CREATE AN ACCOUNT ON INSTAGRAM - EVER!

Fact Number 4: Jim Carrey DOES NOT TALK TO FANS PRIVATELY. He may reply on his twitter feed publicly but he rarely does it now.

To be honest, we have a hard time understanding why these facts are so hard to understand. Because as a fan of actor Jim Carrey, you should know this by now.

A few weeks ago I decided to go "undercover" and get in contact with some scammers to show you some of the methods they use now to eventually ask you for money. I recorded what happen and the conversations for you to watch. I have zero patience to deal with these people and I usually don't give them any of my time. I made an exception for this article.

It's a 90 minutes video but it's very important for you to pay close attention to it. Feel free to share it too. We would appreciate it.

It's time to put a stop to these scammers and the best way for them to stop is for people to be informed and stop giving them your precious time and money.

Here's the video:

We understand wanting to talk or even meet our favorite actor but we all need to be realist about the true chances we have for that to happen. You also need to ask yourself a very important question: Why are you a fan of a certain actor? If being a fan of any actor is only dependable for you on getting a reply or even meeting him, then you may be in need of help and you are definitely doing it for the wrong reason. You should be enjoying their work and not creating a fantasy in your head. They are people just like us, who have the right to their ups and downs, to live their lives as they see fit and have their opinions about everything and anything. Just like you. We don't know this artist on a personal level. All that we know about who they are, is what they allow us to know. We should be happy about that. You may have a different opinion about something your favourite artist believes in but that doesn't erase the work and what you felt watching it, because that's what you were introduce to: the work, not the person. We have faith they are as cool and good people as we think but that's all we can have. We are content to see the talent and to enjoy the work of these artist with no conditions. They didn't ask us to follow them. We do it for the fun. Because we want to.

We decided to make this article to try and alert everyone… one last time. We have been doing this for years and especially on Instagram and yet, people still comment on our social media thinking they are talking to Jim Carrey. Some don't even bother to read our profile before sending a private message. It's frustrating. Especially because the information is out there.


We hope this gets through people and that at least we can pretend the success of another scammer.

We at JCO will keep you updated as more news come.

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