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You are here: Home > Recent > News > Bits on "The Majestic" filming - April 2, 3 and 5
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Bits on "The Majestic" filming - April 2, 3 and 5
05 Apr 2001    

Here's a few details on this week's shoot courtesy of our Anonymous correspondent, Ferndale Fritz and Gary Franklin: Although a big scene in the cemetary complete with a band and about 200 extras was planned for Monday, the weather didn't allow for the schedule to be carried out as expected. A rainy day paused exterior filming and made production move to the Ferndale Fairgrounds where the interior sets are located. About a half-day's work was done there and everyone was excused after the lunch break.

Final shot of the day: Main Street storefront (Tuesday, 3)
Final shot of the day: Main Street storefront (Tuesday, 3).
© Gary Franklin
It's unknown if the scene programmed for the previous day was finally filmed on Tuesday, or not, but there was activity on that day around Main Street as the picture, by Gary Franklin, demonstrates. The photo was taken at about 6:30 PM and captured the final shot of that day.

Then this morning (Thursday 5), Ferndale Fritz told us that there was a good probability that some filming at the Masonic Lodge building would occur:

«It looks like there will be some "town hall interior" shooting today. The Masonic Lodge building's main hall has been set up as a town meeting-room. It's located diagonally across the street from "Town Hall" so it will be an easy transition from entering the front doors of the town hall facade, to being in the meeting room.»

And although his camera's flash was uncooperative, he still managed to take a couple pictures of the building, and its interior ready for the shoot:

Front door of the Masonic Lodge 'Town Hall' interior set-up
From left to right: front door of the Masonic Lodge and its interior set-up.
© Ferndale Fritz

-- With many Spanks to Anonymous, Ferndale Fritz and Gary Franklin for keeping us all updated on the progresses of "The Majestic" production. Click to comment this article.

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