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You are here: Home > Recent > News > Jim Carrey wins the Golden Globe for Best Actor in a Drama
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Jim Carrey wins the Golden Globe for Best Actor in a Drama
25 Jan 1999    

AOL/EA 56th Annual Golden Globe Awards Live Chat

The AOL/Entertainment Asylum Golden Globes Live Chat was a night to remember as winners in all categories were led backstage to chat Online with expectant (and considerably vocal) fans.

Carreyholics will recall that the film "The Truman Show" was up for six of the coveted statuettes given out by the Hollywood Foreign Press. This Peter Weir-helmed film took home Golden Globes in three of those categories, including Best Supporting Actor in a Dramatic Film, Best Original Score, and Best Actor in a Dramatic Film.

Best Actor (Drama) awardAs for the live event itself, several adrenaline-charged members of the Carreyholic community were on hand, manning their keyboards in expectation of a night full of surprises. Among those were: BCDavis (from JCO Editorial Staff), LizH (of Carreyholics Anonymous) and Sallypuss (of Yahoo! Clubs: "Jim Carrey is a Comic God"). They were not disappointed.

The first award for the night, Best Supporting Actor in a Dramatic Film, went to Ed Harris for his wonderful work as Christof, the director/would-be-God of "The Truman Show." It was not until later in the ceremony that TTS would win its second Foreign Press prize, when composers Burkhard Dallwitz and Philip Glass climbed the stage to accept their award for Best Original Score for a Motion Picture.

As the ceremony drew to a close, and groans were keyed into the EA Studio-i Chat rooms as "The Truman Show" lost in two other categories (Best Original Screen Play and Best Director), Carreyholics and others hoping for a win for Jim Carrey, held their breaths as the nominations were read for Best Actor in a Dramatic Motion Picture. Nothing but bedlam ensued as Lauren Bacall proclaimed Jim as the recipient of the award.

But the best was yet to come, as those logged into the EA Studio-i Chat rooms hunkered down and waited for the Man-of-the-Hour to drop by for a quick Q&A session. As they waited, one last round of groans was typed in as "The Truman Show" did not take home the statuette for Best Dramatic Motion Picture.

The announcement was soon given that Jim Carrey was entering the one-on-one Online interviewing room. Carreyholics had the equivalent of what Jim himself in years past had termed "joygasm." All of the other chatters in the EA Studio-i Chat rooms parted like the Red Sea to make way for crazed Carrey fans.

JCO caught up with three of those Carreyholics who braved Net traffic and late night/early morning hours to have a chance to chat with Jim Carrey, and their reactions to his much deserved win. Here's what they had to say:

(Sallypuss - Yahoo! Clubs: Jim Carrey Is A Comic God)"My reaction to Jim's winning? I was afraid they'd give it to Hanks just from habit! But I am sooooo happy for Jim! He really deserves this (and every) award, and deserves the Oscar, too! He is the most phenomenally talented actor ever! I thought Robin Williams would be my all time favorite cause he could do anything and bring so much to every role, but Jim has surpassed even Robin, and I know he is going to BECOME Andy Kaufman in MOTM ["Man On The Moon"]! Jim can do literally everything - sing, dance, comedy, drama - wouldn't surprise me if he wrote a book someday! The man has talent seeping from his pores! Even his boogers have class! :-D And he is brave, to do so many different types of films and do stand-up and sing and everything! I can't decide whether he's more talented, more ballsy, or more just plain nice! Everyone in the audience seemed to be happy for him and I get the feeling he is well liked and respected by his peers, too. I know that his parents are seeing him and are very proud!"

(LizH - Carreyholics Anonymous)"I have to say, I was pleasantly surprised that Jim won! I *wanted* him to win, of course, but, I didn't really expect him to. This is one rare occasion when I'm *very* glad to be wrong! LOL =) I know how insane this sounds, but, my hands were actually shaking when they called his name; I was that surprised and excited (yeah, I'm nuts, I know! LOL). =) I don't really know what else to say to describe my reaction, except that I'm *thrilled* that he won! =) That's the best "description" I can come up with right now...I've been online so long tonight that I think my brain has already gone to sleep ahead of my body!"

(BCDavis - JCO US Staff Editor, JCID Webmaster)"Oh gosh. Well, I went hyper when (Ed) Harris won, then a bit more when (Burkhard) Dallwitz and (Philip) Glass did. By the time Jim's category came up, I was really champing at the bit. And when his name was announced, I basically had an A-one-class coronary. Jim's initial reaction basically mirrored my own. I calmed down enough after that long enough to wait for 'Lord Jim' to join us in the the EA Studio-i Chat room. As for the chat itself: When he came on, well, as Rizzo the Rat has so elloquently stated, I was 'somewhere between bed-wetting and a near-death experience.' He was so cordial, so... 'being Jim' instead of 'going Jim'... he was really himself. I noted that he was one of the celebrities that took some time to really answer the few questions posed to him - well thought out answers. I had an amazing evening - a late one! - but an amazing one none the less."

BCDavis also remarked that she was at Entertainment Asylum as one of the chat room hosts (EAWingy), and usually shifts there at least three nights a week. "I was there in an official capacity, but had an ulterior motive in mind when I volunteered for the Golden Globes chat duty. I was rewarded for my efforts when Jim Carrey came on!" She also invites fellow Carreyholics to become an "Inmate" of theEntertainment Asylum

AOL/Entertainment Asylum Live Chat Transcript

Q: ---- How has this affected you? By winning this?

JIM CARREY: I'm REALLY rich now! No, I'm so happy. It's a wonderful thing. I don't imagine myself winning things. I just work, and that's the bottom line. That's what I love to do, so things like this - it's a shocker to me. I was sitting around the other day thinking of ME in the best dramatic actor category!

Q: (AceMJM - Molly) Jim, what was it like hearing your name called when they announced who won?

JIM CARREY: I did NOT expect it. I was freaking out. I was justifying things in my head. "If I don't win, I don't HAVE to speak with them." But Lauren [Bacall] opened the thing up, and all I heard was "J...", and my brain went out the window. It was really great.

Q: (WHEELMK) Jim, will there ever be an "In Living Color" reunion? I've followed you since those days. You are a true comic!

JIM CARREY: I don't think so. I don't think there are any plans for doing that.

Q: (Ranaculo) What's going on with "Mask 2"? When is it due to be out? What about other projects?

JIM CARREY: That's another one. You know, I'm not a crazy fan of going over old territory. And, although the Mask was a great thing, I don't really plan on doing it. You can never say never, but not really. I'm getting the opportunity to do all these new and wonderful things. Why waste my life being repetitive? A lot of people do sequels. I think it's not as enticing as doing something new.

Q: (HouEnt) Jim, congrats! What have you found to be the most difficult part of making the transition from comic to dramatic rolls?

JIM CARREY: I think the idea that you become raw in a dramatic acting role. You have to open yourself up to the ultimate criticism. Whereas if you're funny, they can say the routine wasn't good, or, "I don't like his jokes." But, in a dramatic role it's more of, "I don't like that guy's essence."

Q: (EAMChost) (To EA Studio-i Chat Room) Wow. Jim Carrey. I'm speechless. He's great. He was great up there... and I noticed something different tonight: he didn't talk with his butt.

JIM CARREY: It was so tempting though... No!

Q: (EAMChost) Jim, why is that?

JIM CARREY: The butt-talking is basically, to me, it's like the perfect expression of rebelling. It doesn't hurt anybody, but it's the ultimate insult. I have to use it sparingly. Thanks everybody out there!

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